ZODB.Persistent Objects.Persistent.__getstate__

Return the object's state. Most classes should avoid overiding this method. This method would normally be overidden to exclude some data from the persistent store. The implementation provided here provides a naming convention that provides for excluding some data by using attribute names beginning with '_v_'.

It is tempting to overide this method to provide better performance. The default implementation returns a dictionary. Performance (execution and space) could be improved by returning a more compact data structure, such as a tuple, however, in our experience, this introduces a significant maintenance headache. We almost never do this anymore.
PyObjectThe object's state, usually a dictionary.
Any attribute that has a name starting with �_v_� is considered to be �volatile�. Setting volatile attributes does not cause a persistent object to change from the up-to-date state to the changed state or to be saved. Volatile attributes are not included in the state returned by the default __getstate__ method.