TABLE 1. Expression examples 8
TABLE 2. Available attributes in the special variable, _ 9
TABLE 3. Attributes defined by the math module 10
TABLE 4. Attributes defined by the random module 11
TABLE 5. Attributes defined by the string module 12
TABLE 6. Attributes defined by the whrandom module 13
TABLE 7. Simplest-case steps for looking up names 15
TABLE 8. Zope-defined Web request variables 16
TABLE 9. Attributes of the REQUEST variable. 16
TABLE 10. Attributes of the RESPONSE variable 17
TABLE 11. CGI-defined Web request variables 17
TABLE 12. Document template classes 21
TABLE 13. Standard document template creation arguments. 21
TABLE 14. Standard arguments for calling document templates. 22
TABLE 15. dtml-var tag attributes 23
TABLE 16. Special formats that may be used with the var tag fmt attribute 24
TABLE 17. C-style specifiers for the fmt attribute 24
TABLE 18. dtml-in tag attributes 30
TABLE 19. Item variables defined by the dtml-in tag 32
TABLE 20. Summary statistic variables defined by the dtml-in tag 33
TABLE 21. Special variables for group processing 33
TABLE 22. Batch-processing variables 34
TABLE 23. Attributes of batch objects used when iterating over next-batches and previous-batches variables. 34
TABLE 24. Query strings and previous batch URL and next batch URL for the batches shown in figure 7 37
TABLE 25. dtml-tree tag attributes. 51
TABLE 26. Variables set by the dtml-tree tag when rendering sub-objects. 52
TABLE 27. Variable that influence the dtml-tree tag 53
TABLE 28. dtml-sendmail tag attributes 55
TABLE 29. dtml-mime tag attributes 56
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