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Showing information about multiple batches

Hyperlinks to multiple batches can be provided using the next-batches and previous-batches variables. These variables provide access to sequences of mapping objects containing information about all previous and next batches. Figure 10 implements the use of previous-batches to show hyperlinks to previous batches using starting and ending row numbers and next-batches to show hyperlinks to next batches using starting and ending words. Note that nested dtml-in tags are used to iterate over batch information. The nested dtml-in tags must use the mapping attribute because the items in the sequences, associated with next-batches and previous-batches, are mapping objects.

Use of DTML to provide links to all previous and next batches.

<dtml-in w36 previous size=5 start=qs>
<dtml-in previous-batches mapping>
<dtml-unless sequence-start>, </dtml-unless>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var batch-start-number>">
<dtml-var batch-start-number> -
<dtml-var batch-end-number></a>

<table border><tr><th>WORD</th></tr>
<dtml-in w36 size=5 start=qs>
<tr><td><dtml-var WORD></td></tr>

<dtml-in w36 next size=5 start=qs>
<dtml-in next-batches mapping>
</dtml-unless sequence-start>, <dtml-unless>
<a href="<dtml-var document_id><dtml-var sequence-query
>qs=<dtml-var batch-start-number>">
<dtml-var batch-start-var-WORD> -
<dtml-var batch-end-var-WORD></a>


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