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Dec 1st Zope Weekly News

  1. 2.4 Released, Wiki for Now, Hooking HTTP PUT, is clustered, and more, all in this issue of the Zope "weekly" news.

The opinions expressed in Zope Weekly news are solely the authors', and not the opinions of Digital Creations, The Zope Community at-large, or the Spanish Inquisition.

If you or your company are doing something cool with zope, submit it to the Zope Weekly News for possible inclusion.

And Now For Something Completely Different:


  1. 2.4 final is released

Recent News

Monday the 28th we released Zope 2.2.4, after a relatively uneventful beta period. Quite a few bugs are fixed in this release, including the infamous "__call__" bug and a memory leak in the Acquisition module. See the CHANGES.txt document in the download area for Zope 2.2.4 for more details on what has changed

In the Fishbowl, Tres added a proposal for hooking the HTTP PUT method to allow greater control over how objects are created from HTTP, WebDAV and FTP (which piggybacks the HTTP PUT). This will benefit the PTK and allow authors to create richer objects without eschewing familiar tools (like creating a News Item via FTP with Emacs!).

Michel is continuing to work on his "API Reference thoughts",

Michel is also working with Amos to finish describing the Zope documenation process

Ken Manheimer is working on the "Wiki For Now" proposal (or "Wiki Aspirin" as Jim calls it) that aims to provide solutions for some of the more painful shortcomings of Wikis as they are used for running development projects. This one will be an active project by the time this ZWN goes out.

Near Future

I am still on the hook to implement changes to to make it easier to deal with the growing number of artifacts there. That will include implementing Jim's proposed proposal states

Shane has done some work to organize the proposals by topic in the meantime. Thanks Shane!

Zope Web

-- by Ethan Fremen is new and improved! has been updated and is now running on what should be a much faster cluster. Next week I will make sure to document all of the details on how we did it.