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July 06th Zope Weekly News

CVS update news, Barbecue in Berlin, Zope 2.4 beta 3 released, CMF in intranets, with new products, and interoperability with other Content Management Systems? Yet another skin, in this ZWN.

The opinions expressed in Zope Weekly News are solely the authors', and not the opinions of Digital Creations, The Zope Community at-large, or the Spanish Inquisition.

If you or your company are doing something cool with zope, "submit it to Zope Weekly News", mail:[email protected] for possible inclusion.

Upcoming Events

EuroZope Conference

The EuroZope Barbecue is going to start on the 12th. If you're anywhere near Berlin, you should go: It's not that expensive, and there's a lot of interesting people and talks going on. Find out more then go!

CVS Update

by Ken Manheimer

Digital Creations is back at work in earnest on its CVS provisions.

For a while now we've been sporadically chipping away at resolving our CVS problems - with the primary one perhaps being the ability to enlist checkins from people outside of DC in a manageable way. We're now concentrating in earnest on getting over the major humps.

You can read the project details

Most of the info there is old, but still accurate - i'll be updating stuff over the next couple of days.

The biggest challenge at the moment is migrating to the new repository structure - one that remedies lots of severe wrinkles in the old arrangement.

Migrating to the new organization is going to be disruptive - it will not be compatible with old checkouts. On the positive side, it will make reuse of components (eg, ZODB in Zope) much more sane, and should last - this sort of change should not need to happen again.

I have to finish the repository reorganization, and the plan to migrate the internal developers, and then coordinate the migration with the community. I'll be updating the wiki (above) and posting to zope-dev as the plans coelesce. I expect much to be happening during the next week - stay tuned.

We're also moving forward on policies and mechanisms for enabling outside checkins. That will be happening gradually, as the dust settles and the policies finalize. That will be a gradual process - but it will be happening, and growing. Again, stay tuned...

CMF News

by Seb and Jon

The stats ma'am, just the stats...

There were 181 messages, by 54 posters.

37% of messages were created by 7% of the posters.

Coincidentally, this is the same proportion of all posters whose surname begins with a vowel. Don't you feel better for knowing that?

On the Most Wanted list this week...

ZopeNewbies considers becoming a CMFNewbie. Come on in, the water's lovely!

Darin wants to use CMF to make a SourceForge clone. Which leads to Ken unleashing another of his unsupported beasts , and the tantalising prospect of a CMF-based Tracker!

Do DC's offices resemble the "Marie-Celeste" this week? No postcards from Tres, but Shane is holding the fort and releases an early proposal to align CMF with the Zope "New Religion". And Andrew muses on the possibilities for Repeating Events in CMF Calendar.

Seb proposes that a standard should be developed for Content Management Systems to interact with CMF. Many heads nod vigorously in approval, and Ulrich ties in the development of workflow tools. Jeff takes the workflow concept one step further , with the possibility of a GUI workflow tool.

Rene asks for tips on CMF-ising Python products, and Marc obliges

Modular Documentation anyone?

Still at large from last week...

How to translate CMF

CMF for Intranets

Zope Status

by Brian Lloyd


  1. 4 beta 3 released, final next week

Recent News

In Zope news this week, Zope 2.4 beta 3 was released July 5

More info about what is new in 2.4 can be found in the Zope 2.4 Migration Guide

Things are looking good for a 2.4 final release for the week of July 9th.

Zope Web

by Ethan Fremen enhancement

Well, there's now a mostly working skin done in Page Templates. One of the consequences of the project is it looks like we're going to have a more-or-less complete Page Template/ Python Script skin for the CMF. -EOT-