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Using Keyword Indexes in ZCatalogsA simple exampleVersion 0.2 This doc explains how to use keyword indexes to create a keyword search form. It is based on information collected on the Zope lists (including postings from Michel Pelletier and Stuart 'Zen' Bishop). Feel free to send your feedback. Version History
Index types in ZCatalogsTraditionally ZCatalogs support two index types: Text Indexes and Field Indexes. In Zope 2.1b1 and later you can also use Keyword Indexes. A Field Index looks at the entire property value as a single value. A TextIndex breaks the property up into words. For example, if you have a FieldIndex for "category", and you search for "Green", you will only find the items with the category "Green" (but not "Green Shirts" or "Green Eggs"). If this was a TextIndex, searching for Green would match all three of those. So, you use Field Indexes for distinct values that you will be looking for (category, last name, zip code, etc.). Use Text Indexes for things like titles, or content that you want to be full text searchable. For the record, here is further technical information (stolen from a posting by Michel Pelletier):
OK. What about keyword indexes then? Keyword Indexes allow you to index a sequence of "keywords" or "key phrases" as a single property of an object. They have the same behavior as field indexes, except that property values are treated as a sequence of keywords. Thus you get the best of both worlds: multiple values in one property with 100% matching for every keyword (and case is relevant). This is useful for buiding categorical hierarchies and many-many relationships, said the gurus. Well, so far, I've only build a keyword search form. Here's how. Creating a simple keyword search formThis section describes how to add a keyword field in a Zclass, register the field as a keyword index in the ZCatalog, then add a drop-down list with individual keywords in the search form. I won't go into details that are covered elsewhere. For more info see the following docs. Information sourcesHere is a selection of docs. You can find many more on the Zope site. You'll need to read this to get started: Then read this to add features:
Adding a keyword field in your ZClassLet's create a product called MyDoc. It contains a ZClass called MyDocClass. This ZClass subclasses CatalogAware (so that it self-registers into a ZCatalog), DTML Document and DTML Method. Its metatype is "MyDoc". Note you may need to work around a couple of issues such as the Resource not found bug (that may strike when you create a ZClass instance) and the Missing ID bug (when you try to access an instance id from DTML). Now in your ZClass, create a custom propertysheet called Info. On this propertysheet, create a lines property called doc_keywords. This property will store the keywords in the ZClass instances. (You need to store your properties on a custom propertysheet if your want your ZCatalog to be updated when properties are edited. For more info see the CatalogAware Howto.) To edit your properties, create a form called myPropForm in the Zclass. Here is a code example: <form action="myPropHandler"> <table> ... <tr><th>Keywords</th> <td> <textarea name="doc_keywords:lines" rows="6" cols="40"> <dtml-var "_.string.join(doc_keywords,'\n')"></textarea> </td></tr> ... <tr><td> <input type=submit value=" Save "></td></tr> </table> </form> Note two important points:
To save the property values, create a handler method whose name must be specified in the FORM tag. Here it is called myPropHandler. In myPropHandler, add code to store the property values. Example: <dtml-call "propertysheets.Info.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)"> Note you need to specify the propertysheet name (Info here) when using a custom propertysheet. The second lines is useful if you build a CatalogAware ZClass: it will update the property values in the ZCatalog. Remember to map myPropForm to a view so that you can easily edit properties in your ZClass instance. In your ZClass definition, click on the Views tab and map a Tab name to a file name (myPropForm here). Registering the keyword index in the ZCatalogEdit your ZCatalog. On the Indexes tab, enter doc_keywords in the Add Index field and choose KeywordIndex in the Index Type list. Then click the Add button. On the MetaData Table tab, enter doc_keywords in the "Add column to the Meta Data table" field and click the Add button. Creating ZClass instancesNow create a couple of MyDoc instances and add keywords in the Keywords field. Add one keyword per line. These keywords can actually be "key phrases"; they can contain several words. For instance, enter "Squids" in one document and "Squids are beautiful" (as one line) in another one. If you created a CatalogAware ZClass, your MyDoc instances and their properties will be registered into the ZCatalog. If not, edit the ZCatalog and "force-index" them from the Find Items to ZCatalog tab. Your ZClass instances should then be listed on the Cataloged Objects tab. Creating a search formCreate a new ZSearch Interface in your database. Select your ZCatalog in the searchable objects list. Let's call the search form mySearch and the result report myResults. In mySearch, replace the default code for doc_keywords with the following code: <SELECT name="doc_keywords:list" multiple size="4"> <OPTION value=""></OPTION> <dtml-in "Catalog.uniqueValuesFor('doc_keywords')"> <OPTION value="<dtml-var sequence-item>"> <dtml-var sequence-item> </OPTION> </dtml-in> </SELECT> Here Catalog is the name of the ZCatalog the docs are indexed in. Note the following points:
[To do: how can I control the sort order in the selection list?] In myResults, delete unnecessary fields, then display mySearch and try out the search feature. In the selection list, click one or more keyword/phrases. Note every keyword/phrase is displayed as one list entry. Try searching for "Squids". This matches at least one document. It doesn't match the document with the "Squids are beautiful" phrase. Searching from DTMLYou can also search the ZCatalog from DTML as for standard keywords. Example: <dtml-in "Catalog.searchResults(doc_keywords='Squids')"> or <dtml-in "Catalog.searchResults(doc_keywords in ['Squids', 'foo', 'bar'])"> |