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External Editor 0.6 - Its everywhere you want to be

I'm pleased to announce the release of ExternalEditor 0.6. Here's what's new:

  • External editor now accepts the path to the object to edit directly, rather than only working via traversal. This makes it easy to programmatically invoke external editor.
  • A plugin mechanism was added to the helper application (on Windows) for enhanced integration with supported applications. Plugins for HomeSite and Photoshop are included with the Windows helper application.
  • Vanquished "Invalid File Descriptor" errors on Windows.
  • Added a workaround for non-compliant SSL servers, trapping "EOF occurred in violation of protocol" errors silently.
  • Windows helper app now built with Python 2.2.2 and PythonWin 148.
  • Fixed a bug in the unlock retry code.

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What is it?

External editor is a new way to edit through the web. Instead of crappy textareas and kludgy protocols, External editor lets you use the editor of your choice directly from your browser.

Once configured you can click on the edit icon in the ZMI and use your favorite client side applications to edit your Zope objects. Works with both text and binary data. Works with any browser that supports helper applications.

