Created by ZopeOrgSite . Last modified 2000-10-16 07:02:55.
# Mail [email protected] with constructive criticism.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /path/to/database/objs
Another way to prevent robots from indexing is to include robot indexing information in a page's meta data. <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> # prevents indexing of the page
<meta name="robots" content="nofollow"> # prevents indexing links on this page
Relative URLs can also confuse robots or even cause the robot to 'infinite loop' on a relative URL and bring down your machine or flood your network. The same technique can be used to prevent indexing of relative URLs, but its probably better to specify absolute URLs. Avoid these:
</a href="relative/index_html">Relative URL</a>
Promote these:
</a href="">Absolute URL</a>
Finally, the specification for the robots.txt file is here.