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Host TrackerIf you would like to know who is connecting to your pages, this the how-to you need.In this how-to you will
You must create a few files: A TinyTablePlusThis is the data table.Id: hosts Columns: name count Leave it blank, but empty this table sometimes. A DTML methodThis document will update the table.Id: usercnt body: <dtml-unless tracktable><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable','hosts')"></dtml-unless> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('hostname',get_hostname(REMOTE_ADDR))"> <dtml-in "_.getitem(tracktable)(name=hostname)"> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).delRows(name=hostname)"> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).setRow(name=hostname,count=_.int(count)+1)"> <dtml-else> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).setRow(name=hostname,count=1)"> </dtml-in> Another DTML methodThis document will draw the graphic.Id: ugraph body: <dtml-var standard_html_header> <dtml-if QUERY_STRING> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable',QUERY_STRING)"> <dtml-else> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable','hosts')"> </dtml-if> <dtml-with "_.getitem(tracktable)"> <h1><dtml-var title_or_id></h1> </dtml-with> Select <dtml-in "objectItems(['TinyTablePlus'])"> <dtml-comment> <IMG SRC="/misc_/TinyTablePlus/icon" ALT="[TinyTablePlus]" BORDER="0"> </dtml-comment> - [<a href="ugraph?<dtml-var id>"><dtml-var id></a>] </dtml-in> <table border=1> <tr><th>Computer</th><th>Count</th><th>Graph</th></tr> <dtml-in "_.getitem(tracktable)()" sort=name> <tr> <td><dtml-var name></td> <td><dtml-var count></td> <td><img src="/img/box/blue_box.jpg" height=10 width=<dtml-var "_.int(count)*10">></td> </tr> </dtml-in> </table> <br> <dtml-var standard_html_footer> A pictureThis is just a blue square. Size does not matter (make it 5x5 or less).Id: blue_box.jpg A Python scriptUse this if you want to store hostname instead IP addressAdd external method with : Id: get_hostname Title: **anything*** Module Name: mylib Function Name : get_hostname Before to add this Zope object you must create a file (into extension folder of zope instalation folder) called mylib.py with this content : import socket import string def get_hostname(addr): try: z=socket.gethostbyaddr(addr) except: z=[string.replace(addr,".",",")] a=z[0]+'.' p=string.find(a,'.') return a[:p] If you hate PythonYou can avoid use of python function get_hostname().To do that usercnt will to look like: <dtml-unless tracktable><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable','hosts')"></dtml-unless> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('hostname',REMOTE_ADDR)"> <dtml-in "_.getitem(tracktable)(name=hostname)"> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).delRows(name=hostname)"> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).setRow(name=hostname,count=_.int(count)+1)"> <dtml-else> <dtml-call "_.getitem(tracktable).setRow(name=hostname,count=1)"> </dtml-in> Don't forget to allow Change TinyTable and Query TinyTable Data permissions to Anonymous. You can do that with this: Go on root folder (or where you keep TinyTable objects) and the into security tab. Find Change TinyTable and Query TinyTable Data and TinyTablePlus, then check that property for Anonimous. I see that in Zope 2.3.0 I have TinyTablePlus installed, but I don't see all security features of TinyTablePlus. I don't know why, something is missing. You can update by scripts only TinyTablePlus, so try to focus on TinyTablePlus. How to use itInsert this code at first line of your DTML Document:<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable','hosts')"> <dtml-call usercnt>That means you select tracktable=hosts and call usercnt. To store the data into another table use: <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('tracktable','another_table')"> <dtml-call usercnt>If you want to display the content of your table use a link like: <a href="ugraph?hosts">Hosts</a> or <a href="ugraph?another_table">Another Table</a> How to clean tracker tableSometimes you need to remove some hosts from statistics.(Let's say you want to erase tracks of your own computer or server.) Use this script: <dtml-var standard_html_header> <dtml-if host> <h1>Clean</h1> <dtml-var host> <dtml-in "objectItems(['TinyTablePlus'])"> <dtml-with "_.getitem(id)"> <dtml-call "delRows(name=host)"> </dtml-with> </dtml-in> <dtml-else> <h1>Which host</h1> <form name="sel_host"> <select name="lista" onchange="document.forms.sel_host.host.value=document.forms.sel_host.lista.options[document.forms.sel_host.lista.selectedIndex].value"> <dtml-in "['EBRWICOM01','LOGOS','EPOWGDAR01']"> <option value="<dtml-var sequence-item>"><dtml-var sequence-item> </dtml-in> </select> <input type="text" name="host" size=15> <input type="submit" value="Erase"> </form> </dtml-if> <dtml-var standard_html_footer>Just select from your own list, or fill the form and clean |