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To see the menu create folders with title and
under this folders you must create DTML Documents or Files.
If your objects don't have title, it will be not shown!
Don't forget to move the js folder on the root of your site!
qUglobalsq}q U__name__q
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DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU UrawqTt@ /******************************************************************************
* navbar.js *
* *
* Copyright 1999 by Mike Hall. *
* Web address: http://www.brainjar.com *
* Last update: December 13, 1999. *
* *
* Creates a interactive DHTML navigation bar with drop-down menus. *
* Note: requires dhtmllib.js
* Script featured on Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://dynamicdrive.com) *
// Define the default look of the navigation bar.
var navBarY = 0; // Default position.
var navBarX = 0;
var navBarWidth = -1; // Sizes
var navBarHeaderWidth = 100;
var navBarMenuWidth = 175;
var navBarBorderWidth = 1;
var navBarPaddingWidth = 4;
var navBarBorderColor = "#000000"; // Colors.
var navBarHeaderBgColor = "#999999";
var navBarHeaderFgColor = "#000000";
var navBarActiveBgColor = "#666666";
var navBarActiveFgColor = "#ffffff";
var navBarItemBgColor = "#cccccc";
var navBarItemFgColor = "#000000";
var navBarHighBgColor = "#000080";
var navBarHighFgColor = "#ffffff";
var navBarHeaderFontFamily = "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"; // Fonts.
var navBarHeaderFontStyle = "plain";
var navBarHeaderFontWeight = "bold";
var navBarHeaderFontSize = "10pt";
var navBarItemFontFamily = "MS Sans Serif,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif";
var navBarItemFontStyle = "plain";
var navBarItemFontWeight = "bold";
var navBarItemFontSize = "8pt";
var navBarTrackX = false; // Tracking flags.
var navBarTrackY = false;
// Define the navigation bar menu array.
var navBarMenus = new Array(); // List of menus.
// Initialize the navigation bar.
var navBar; // Base layer.
var navBarHeight; // Height of navigation bar headers.
// These variables are used to determine if a resize event is a true one.
// Necessary due to a bug in older NS4 releases.
var origWidth;
var origHeight;
function navBarInit() {
var menu = new Array();
var layer, norm, high, dmmy;
var last;
var width;
var on, off;
var i, j, x, y, z;
var link;
if (!isMinNS4 && !isMinIE4)
// Fix for resize bug.
if (isMinNS4) {
origWidth = window.innerWidth;
origHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = navBarReload;
// Check sizes.
if (navBarMenuWidth < navBarHeaderWidth)
navBarMenuWidth = navBarHeaderWidth;
// Build the navigation bar.
moveLayerTo(navBar, navBarX, navBarY);
// Get each menu, position it, initialize it and set up event handling.
x = 0;
y = 0;
i = 0;
while ((layer = getLayer("menu" + (i + 1), window)) != null) {
// Set menu width.
width = navBarMenuWidth;
if (i == navBarMenus.length - 1)
width = navBarWidth - x;
// Initialize the menu container.
menu[i] = layer;
moveLayerTo(layer, x, y);
// Initialize the three layers that make up each menu item.
z = 0;
j = 0;
while ((layer = getLayer("item" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i])) != null) {
// Normal item layer.
norm = layer;
moveLayerTo(norm, 0, z);
clipLayer(norm, navBarBorderWidth, navBarBorderWidth,
width - navBarBorderWidth,
getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth);
if (isMinNS4 && j > 0)
layer.visibility = "inherit";
// Highlighted item layer.
high = getLayer("high" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i]);
moveLayerTo(high, 0, z);
clipLayer(high, navBarBorderWidth, navBarBorderWidth,
width - navBarBorderWidth,
getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth);
// Transparent, dummy item layer. Used to capture mouse events.
dmmy = getLayer("dmmy" + (i + 1) + "_" + (j + 1), menu[i]);
moveLayerTo(dmmy, 0, z);
clipLayer(dmmy, 0, 0, width, getHeight(norm));
if (j == 0)
menu[i].high = high;
else {
dmmy.high = high;
dmmy.onmouseover = navBarItemOn;
dmmy.onmouseout = navBarItemOff;
link = navBarMenus[i][j * 2 + 1];
if (link != "") {
if (isMinNS4) {
dmmy.document.link = link;
dmmy.document.onmousedown = navBarItemGo;
if (isMinIE4) {
dmmy.link = link;
dmmy.onmousedown = navBarItemGo;
// Set up position for next item.
z += getHeight(norm) - navBarBorderWidth;
if (j == 0)
off = z + navBarBorderWidth - 1;
on = z + navBarBorderWidth;
x += navBarHeaderWidth - navBarBorderWidth;
// Set up clipping sizes for menu container.
menu[i].offWidth = navBarHeaderWidth;
menu[i].offHeight = off + 1;
menu[i].onWidth = width;
menu[i].onHeight = on;
menu[i].onmouseover = navBarMenuOn;
menu[i].onmouseout = navBarMenuOff;
clipLayer(menu[i], 0, 0, menu[i].offWidth, menu[i].offHeight);
// Display the menu container layer.
// Save bar height.
navBarHeight = menu[i - 1].offHeight;
// Dummy out mouse events for the filler.
menu[i - 1].onmouseover = null;
menu[i - 1].onmouseout = null;
// Clip filler.
clipLayer(menu[i - 1], 0, 0, menu[i - 1].onWidth, menu[i - 1].offHeight);
// Clip base layer so it won't interfere with underlying page.
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, menu[0].offHeight);
// Set tracking.
if (navBarTrackX || navBarTrackY) {
if (isMinNS4)
setInterval('navBarScroll()', 20);
if (isMinIE4)
window.onscroll = navBarScroll;
// Dynamically build the HTML for the navigation bar and add it to the page.
function navBarBuild() {
var i, j, k, str, tmp;
var padding, width;
var headText, actvText, itemText, highText;
var tblStart, tblEnd;
// Add a dummy menu for filler.
navBarMenus[navBarMenus.length] = new Array(" ", "");
// Set total navigation bar width according to value defined:
// < 0 - set to window width.
// = 0 - calulate size according to menu definition.
// > 0 - use given value or calculated size, whichever is greater.
width = (navBarMenus.length - 2) * (navBarHeaderWidth - navBarBorderWidth)
+ (navBarMenus[navBarMenus.length - 2].length > 2 ? navBarMenuWidth
: navBarHeaderWidth);
if (navBarWidth < 0)
navBarWidth = Math.max(getWindowWidth(), getPageWidth()) - navBarX;
if (navBarWidth == 0)
navBarWidth = width;
if (navBarWidth > 0)
navBarWidth = Math.max(navBarWidth, width);
// Set up code for menu item text.
padding = navBarPaddingWidth + navBarBorderWidth;
headText = 'color:' + navBarHeaderFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarHeaderFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarHeaderFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarHeaderFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarHeaderFontWeight + ';';
actvText = 'color:' + navBarActiveFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarHeaderFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarHeaderFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarHeaderFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarHeaderFontWeight + ';';
itemText = 'color:' + navBarItemFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarItemFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarItemFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarItemFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarItemFontWeight + ';';
highText = 'color:' + navBarHighFgColor + ';'
+ 'font-family:' + navBarItemFontFamily + ';'
+ 'font-size:' + navBarItemFontSize + ';'
+ 'font-style:' + navBarItemFontStyle + ';'
+ 'font-weight:' + navBarItemFontWeight + ';';
tblStart = '';
// Build HTML code for the menus.
str = "";
for (i = 0; i < navBarMenus.length; i++) {
// Set menu width, the filler should be wide enough to fill that width.
width = navBarMenuWidth;
if (i == navBarMenus.length - 1)
width = Math.max(navBarHeaderWidth,
navBarWidth - (navBarMenus.length - 1) * navBarHeaderWidth);
if (isMinNS4)
str += '\n'
if (isMinIE4)
str += '\n';
// Create it as a new layer.
if (isMinNS4) {
navBar = new Layer(width);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, getWindowHeight());
if (isMinIE4) {
str = ''
+ str + '
// Insert HTML code at end of page. For IE4, need to scroll window to
// end of page, insert and scroll back to correct bug.
if (!isMinIE5) {
x = getPageScrollX();
y = getPageScrollY();
window.scrollTo(getPageWidth(), getPageHeight());
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", str);
if (!isMinIE5)
window.scrollTo(x, y);
navBar = getLayer("navBar");
// Event handlers for the navigation bar.
function navBarScroll() {
var x, y, d;
var max;
// Adjust navigation bar position based on current scroll amounts.
x = navBarX;
d = getPageScrollX() - navBarX;
if (navBarTrackX && d > 0)
x += d;
y = navBarY;
d = getPageScrollY() - navBarY;
if (navBarTrackY && d > 0)
y += d;
// For IE, set limits to prevent infinite scrolling as bar is moved.
if (isMinIE4) {
max = Math.max(getPageWidth(), navBarWidth) - (navBarX + navBarWidth);
x = Math.max(navBarX, Math.min(x, max));
max = Math.max(getPageHeight(), getWindowHeight())
- getWindowHeight() - navBarHeight + navBarY;
y = Math.max(navBarY, Math.min(y, max));
// Reposition the navigation bar.
moveLayerTo(navBar, x, y);
function navBarMenuOn() {
// Display the menu by clipping containter to full view.
clipLayer(this, 0, 0, this.onWidth, this.onHeight);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, this.onHeight);
function navBarMenuOff() {
// Hide the menu by clipping container to show only the header item.
if (isMinIE4 && window.event.toElement &&
window.event.srcElement.id.substr(4, 1) ==
window.event.toElement.id.substr(4, 1))
clipLayer(this, 0, 0, this.offWidth, this.offHeight);
clipLayer(navBar, 0, 0, navBarWidth, this.offHeight);
function navBarItemOn() {
// Show the highlighted layer for this item.
function navBarItemOff() {
// Hide the highlighted layer for this item.
function navBarItemGo() {
// If the link starts with "javascript:" execute the code. Otherwise just
// link to the URL.
if (this.link.indexOf("javascript:") == 0)
window.location.href = this.link;
return false;
function navBarReload() {
// Reload page in case of a browser resize. First make sure it's a true
// resize.
if (isMinNS4 && origWidth == window.innerWidth && origHeight == window.innerHeight)
window.location.href = window.location.href;
qU__ac_local_roles__q}q UIoanq
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