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<A NAME="443309"></A><A NAME="439744"></A><A NAME="429995"></A><A NAME="432021"></A><A NAME="432518"></A><A NAME="430556"></A><P>Table of Contents</P><MENU>
<A HREF=#415393><LI>Cover Sheet</LI>
<A HREF=#415752><LI>Qualifications</LI>
<A HREF=#416305><LI>Skills Summary - 1</LI>
<A HREF=#417015><LI>Skills Summary - 2</LI>
<A HREF=#417394><LI>Professional Activities</LI>
<A HREF=#418046><LI>Professional Activities - 2</LI>
<A HREF=#418434><LI>Professional Activities - 3</LI>
<A HREF=#419030><LI>Professional Activities - 4</LI>
<A HREF=#419453><LI>Professional Activities - 5</LI>
<A HREF=#419853><LI>Professional Activities - 6</LI>
<A HREF=#420604><LI>Professional Activities - 7</LI>
<A HREF=#421033><LI>Professional Activities - 8</LI>
<A HREF=#421595><LI>Zope Projects</LI>
<A HREF=#421902><LI>Teck Check Results</LI>

<A NAME="415393"></A>Page 1 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<I>Curriculum Vitae <BR>
</I>Name: Andrew Kenneth Milton BM MCSci <BR>
DOB: 1st November 1969 <BR>
Address: <SUP> <BR>
Telephone:  <BR>
Fax:  <BR>
Driver's Licence: OC Current <BR>
Email: [email protected] <A NAME="742184"></A></SUP>
<A HREF=mailto:[email protected]>mailto:[email protected]</A>
<A NAME="731688"></A><A NAME="732749"></A><A NAME="733739"></A><A NAME="734227"></A><B>Email me with your job offers --just click :-)
<A NAME="415752"></A></B>Page 2 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B><I>Academic Qualifications, Memberships, Awards, Courses <BR>
</I></B> <BR>
<B>Qualification, Award or Course Institution Year <BR>
</B>Member University of Wollongong Computer Users Society University of Wollongong 1993- <BR>
Life Member University of Wollongong Union University of Wollongong  <BR>
Unix Client/Server Network Programming Softway 1994 <BR>
Advanced C++ for C Programmers Object Oriented 1993 <BR>
Masters Computer Science University of Wollongong 1993 <BR>
Bachelor Mathematics University of Wollongong 1992 <BR>
Best Faculty Result - Mathematical Sciences Weerona Residential College 1989 <BR>
Higher School Certificate NSW Board of Education 1987 <BR>
Certificate of Credit - Australian Mathematics Competition <BR>
(Senior)  1986 <BR>
School Certificate NSW Board of Education 1985 <BR>
Certificate of Honour - Australian Schools Science <BR>
Competition <BR>
University of NSW 1985 <BR>
Certificate of Credit - Australian Mathematics Competition <BR>
(Intermediate)  1985 <BR>
<B><I>Positions Held <BR>
</I></B><B>What Where When <BR>
</B>Project Leader Softworks Pty Ltd Sep 2000 - Dec 2000 <BR>
System Architect International Strategies Jul 1999 - Jul 2000 <BR>
Senior Software Engineer Brisbane City Council - Travel Demand Mgmt Nov 1998 - Jul 1999 <BR>
Software Development Manager Advercom Pty Ltd Apr 1998 - Oct 1998 <BR>
Director The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd 1998- <BR>
Director Sneaker Net Internet Service Provider 1996- <BR>
Senior Software Engineer University of Western Sydney Nov 1997 - Jan 1998 <BR>
Senior Software Engineer NEC Australia, New Product Development Sep 1996 - Oct 1997 <BR>
Project Leader Computer Telephony Integration Pty Ltd. Jan 1996 - Sep 1996 <BR>
Software Engineer Telstar Systems May 1994 - Jan 1996 <BR>
Software Engineer Telstra (Customised Software Solution Centre) Aug 1993 - May 1994 <BR>
Associate Lecturer University of Wollongong, Computer Science <BR>
Department <BR>
Jan 1993 - July 1993 <BR>
Computer Science Tutor University of Wollongong, Computer Science <BR>
Department <BR>
1991 - 1993 <BR>
CBT Programmer Centre for Information Technology Research Nov 1992 - Apr 1993 <BR>
Technical Consultant Redlink Pty Ltd Jun 1992 - Jul 1993 <BR>
Tutor in Residence Weerona Residential College Dec 1991 - Jul 1993 <BR>
Retail Computer Sales Shop 4 Computers Jan 1990 - Dec 1990 
<A NAME="416305"></A>Page 3 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B><I>Skills Summary <BR>
</I></B> <BR>
<B>Rating Explanation <BR>
</B>1 Brief Exposure <BR>
2 Passing Knowledge <BR>
3 Can Work With Some Guidance <BR>
4 Can Work Unaided Using Own Initiative <BR>
5 Capable Of Teaching In This Area <BR>
<B>Skill </B>1 2 3 4 5 <B>Last Used In <BR>
Languages </B>      <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1995 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1999 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1995 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1993 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">     1993 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">     1995 <BR>
SQL/Embedded SQL   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<B>Operating Systems </B>      <BR>
SunOS 4.1.x    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  1997 <BR>
Solaris 2.x    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  1999 <BR>
HPUX 9.x/10.x   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1997 <BR>
X Windows    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1999 <BR>
MS Windows   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1997 <BR>
Windows 95/98    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
Windows NT   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   2001 <BR>
OS/2 Warp   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1996 <BR>
MacOS 6.x   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1995 <BR>
MacOS 7.x   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1996 <BR>
<B>Software Packages </B>      <BR>
GNU gcc    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
SunSoft C++ 4.x   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1997 <BR>
FrameMaker 3.x 4.x 5.x   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1998 <BR>
MS Word    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
Lotus Word Pro    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
MS Excel    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
Lotus 1-2-3    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
Visual C++   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1997 
<A NAME="417015"></A>Page 4 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B>Skill </B>1 2 3 4 5 <B>Last Used In <BR>
</B>Borland C++   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1997 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
Net News    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
Internet Explorer     
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
CGI Programming    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
TCP/IP Applications    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
<B>Hardware </B>      <BR>
HP Workstations    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  1997 <BR>
Sun Workstations/ SMP Servers    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
IBM PCs    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2001 <BR>
Macintosh (unto Quadra)   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1995 <BR>
<B>Networking </B>      <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">    <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">    <BR>
Modem Configuration    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   <BR>
Windows 95/98/ME    
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   <BR>
<B>Databases </B>      <BR>
Oracle V.7   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">   1998 <BR>
Oracle V.8   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">    1997 <BR>
Mini SQL   
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">  1999 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2000 <BR>
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_19.gif" WIDTH=22 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="416007_20.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=15 ALT="&lt;image&gt;"> 2001 
<A NAME="417394"></A>Page 5 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B><I>Industrial/Commercial/Professional Activities <BR>
</I></B> <BR>
Project Leader Softworks Pty Ltd <BR>
Lvl 1 31 Park Road <BR>
Milton QLD <BR>
Sep 2000 - Dec 2000 <BR>
Duties: <BR>
Softworks required someone to oversee their product migration from <BR>
an NT ASP+COM infrastructure to a Solaris Java+EJB infrastructure. <BR>
Softworks were new to web development and had not yet deployed <BR>
any successful web projects, the project to be migrated was already <BR>
'late' and undergoing a 7<SUP>th</SUP> re-implementation in 12 months without <BR>
any user requirements being done. <BR>
Having not received the required hardware for over a month, and <BR>
with an Application Server being chosen, but, no prospect of ever <BR>
getting a copy to work with, I attempted to implement a Java and EJB <BR>
infrastructure to meet their non-existent requirements, using the <BR>
available tools. <BR>
After several unsuccessful attempts at extracting requirements, the <BR>
current project manager was released, and replaced with the original <BR>
one that created the mess in the first place. <BR>
With the Sun 220R living in the coffee room so it didn't effect the NT <BR>
servers, I decided since I had other opportunities, I would <BR>
investigate them, and have a leisurely Christmas. <BR>
Environment: <BR>
FreeBSD, NT, ASP, COM, Solaris (eventually), Java. <BR>
Application Servers: <BR>
BEA Web Logic, iPlanet, Enhydra, Tomcat, Websphere. <BR>
<A NAME="418046"></A>Page 6 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
System Architect International Strategies <BR>
Lvl 6 269 Wickham Street <BR>
Fortitude Valley QLD <BR>
Jul 1999 - Jul 2000 <BR>
Duties: International Strategies was a pre-IPO start-up company that create <BR>
business directories with localised content. Their primary site is <BR> <BR>
To investigate, implement, and evaluate internet technology to give <BR>
International Strategies a strategic advantage in the marketplace. To <BR>
design systems that enhanced the reliability, and performance of the <BR> system. <BR>
During the time I was at International Strategies I investigated a <BR>
number of technologies to help them migrate their systems from <BR>
Windows NT to a UNIX environment. This included new network <BR>
designs and application redevelopment. <BR>
I developed numerous proto-type and proof of concept systems, <BR>
including a complete Yahoo! System (that went live) using the ODP <BR>
project data. Most of these projects were awaiting deployment when <BR>
funding ran out. <BR>
I was responsible for new product development for UNIX projects, <BR>
including a billing system interface to the 1Disk web-disk project, <BR>
and providing a WAP/WML interface to the existing <BR>
data. <BR>
I developed a web-based bug-tracking system for their development <BR>
needs, and created an Intranet Site for the Technical Team. The bug-<BR>
tracking system was integrated with the Intranet Site. <BR>
I also provided general solutions to internet problems that were hard <BR>
to implement in NT environment, including automatically fetching <BR>
files, processing and database insertion of records. <BR>
Before the funding ran out I was working on two large projects with <BR>
overseas companies. I was essentially the project manager for these <BR>
projects, and I was responsible for the liasing with the client on <BR>
technical matters. <BR>
<A NAME="418434"></A>Page 7 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Senior Software Engineer Brisbane City Council - Travel Demand Management <BR>
Lvl 17 Brisbane Administration Centre <BR>
Brisbane QLD <BR>
Nov 1998- Jul 1999 <BR>
Duties: To design and implement a new system for the Brisbane City Council <BR>
&quot;Brisbane Linked Intersection Signal System&quot; (BLISS). <BR>
The project was required to run on legacy hardware and networking <BR>
infrastructure, so the terms of the redesign were somewhat limiting. <BR>
The project was designed to run on SCO Servers, although the new <BR>
system had an eye towards portability in order to facilitate the <BR>
migration to a new platform if that was required. <BR>
I also investigated a new &quot;Local Control Module&quot; (LCM) to run <BR>
under an embedded UNIX environment. This would enable TCP/IP <BR>
networking to each intersection and simplify some of the replication <BR>
and management issues involved with the current system. <BR>
The project will be deployed on SCO Servers, although SCO has <BR>
ceased support for OpenServer, and so it is likely that a platform <BR>
migration might be necessary. <BR>
I reimplemented their monolithic support library into a more modular <BR>
form to enhance the maintainability of the project. I also redesigned <BR>
their build environment to facilitate better source control and to <BR>
lower the learning curve for new developers on their projects. <BR>
Due to the impending merger of Main Roads and Brisbane City <BR>
Council the decision was taken to enhance the Main Roads system <BR>
rather than to continue to enhance BLISS. <BR>
Recently work has commenced on redeveloping their Bus Priority <BR>
system RAPID.  This includes a full re-design including User <BR>
Requirements analysis. <BR>
<A NAME="419030"></A>Page 8 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Software Development <BR>
Manager <BR>
Advercom Pty  <BR>
80 Stamford Road Indooroopilly <BR>
QLD 4068 <BR>
April 1998 - October 1998 <BR>
Duties: To manage and assist in the development of Internet related <BR>
marketing and gaming products. To maintain and protect the LAN <BR>
network, and to administer machines on that network. To set-up a <BR>
web server and prototype company web pages. <BR>
<B>Multi-media Push Advertising System.</B> <BR>
Environment: C++ Windows, C Solaris, Oracle 7.3 <BR>
I designed and implemented the UNIX server side of this project, and <BR>
managed a team of developers writing the client side of the project. <BR>
This was to be an internet foil to a Fly-Buys loyalty type program. <BR>
During this project I also redesigned their internal network, installed <BR>
a firewall to protect their software, and built and installed a Sun <BR>
Sparc workstation. I also had to install Oracle V7.3 on the Sun. <BR>
<B>Internet Trade Promotion Game.</B> <BR>
Environment: Java,C,Mini SQL 2.0, Solaris, FreeBSD, HTML, CGI. <BR>
This was a 'matching faces' game written in Java, that has a product <BR>
quiz component. It stores information about every player and <BR>
generates useful marketing information as well as statistics for <BR>
viewing by customers purchasing the service. <BR>
It networks to a UNIX server that administers the actual games <BR>
played as well as the questions asked. The system is set-up to be as <BR>
automatic as possible, with the Java side not needing to rebuilt for <BR>
each customer, and the Server not having to be reconfigured when <BR>
new customer are added. <BR>
The system can be fully distributed with each component housed on <BR>
a separate computer. <BR>
I designed the system, and prototypes the Java game, implemented <BR>
the UNIX side servers, and implemented the registration and <BR>
authentication process. <BR>
I interviewed candidates for the final Java programmer and to assist <BR>
in the server side development. <BR>
<B>Business Exchange</B> <BR>
Environment: C, C++, Mini SQL 2.0, HTML, CGI <BR>
This is an online system for exchanging quotes between vendors <BR>
and the public. This is a series of interlocking CGIs that present a <BR>
fairly sophisticated interface to the quotation process. Users are <BR>
authenticated when they enter the site, and depending on whether <BR>
they have registered as a vendor, a wholesaler or as a member of the <BR>
public they are presented with different options. 
<A NAME="419453"></A>Page 9 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Senior Software Engineer University of Western Sydney <BR>
College St Richmond  <BR>
NSW 2753 <BR>
[email protected] <BR>
November 1997 - January 1998 <BR>
Duties: To design and implement a system to allow the billing of staff, <BR>
students, and departments for their Internet usage. <BR>
The system was required to be portable across multiple platforms, to <BR>
be quick, and to be easily extendable. <BR>
A number of existing log files were used as the basis for the system. <BR>
Squid web proxy logs, sendmail entries from syslogs, and router <BR>
logs. These were used in conjunction with login records from Novell, <BR>
and DHCP records to identify the owner of a transaction. <BR>
Each log file is parsed and processed separately, and there is an <BR>
intermediate log file type, to allow other filters to be easily added. <BR>
Each of these individual log files were to be combined and processed <BR>
into a final transaction database that forms the basis for any <BR>
reporting. <BR>
Due to the nature of the billing from the bandwidth provider, each <BR>
transaction has to be categorised into one of six different types of <BR>
traffic based on the source (local, RNO, AARNET, domestic, <BR>
international, and unknown). Each one of the six types is also billed <BR>
at a different rate depending on what type of traffic it is (web proxy <BR>
traffic is charged at a lower rate since it has already been fetched). <BR>
All of this is controlled from configuration files that can be modified <BR>
before processing or report running. <BR>
The target platform was Solaris 2.x, but, all of the development was <BR>
carried out under FreeBSD. All code compiled and ran correctly <BR>
without modification, fulfilling the portability requirement of the <BR>
<A NAME="419853"></A>Page 10 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Senior Software Engineer NEC New Product Development <BR>
244 Beecroft Road  <BR>
Epping NSW <BR>
2121 <BR>
(02) 9930 2230 <BR>
September 1996 - October 1997. <BR>
Duties: Initial duties were to port Superview, a network management <BR>
product, from HPUX to SCO UNIX, fixing discovered bugs as it went <BR>
along.  <BR>
Having completed this, the agent subsystem was assigned to me to <BR>
be enhanced in a number of ways. When I inherited this code, it was <BR>
ten years old and suffering from an extreme amount of bitrot, and of <BR>
course came with no documentation. <BR>
Features added including pooling modems for use with multiple <BR>
PABX as well as proper session management There were also nearly <BR>
100 bug fixes related to this communications that were fixed during <BR>
the enhancement effort by me. <BR>
During this time a significant flaw in the functionality of the NMS <BR>
was discovered. To cope with this flaw a method if using the existing <BR>
NEC PABX MAT systems was needed. <BR>
I suggested using a freeware DOS emulator and porting it to HPUX. <BR>
This assignment was of course delegated to me. Most of the source <BR>
available PC Emulators had restrictive licensing agreements attached <BR>
with them, and so the only one that truly free lacked a lot of basic <BR>
elements needed. To this emulator I added, hard drive support, serial <BR>
communications support, UART emulation, redirected serial <BR>
communications to UNIX pipes. This was then extended to <BR>
communicate with remote agents to talk to actual PABXs. This single <BR>
addition saved the company the cost of a commercial DOS emulator, <BR>
or the cost of placing a PC with DOS on it at every site, and allowed <BR>
the product to actually be released. This project was completed <BR>
under adverse conditions, and on an extremely unrealistic deadline. <BR>
My final project was 'internationalising' the existing system for use in <BR>
other languages. With a Windows NT port also happening, this <BR>
code had to co-exist under all platforms without major changes. <BR>
When my contract was finished the groundwork for this had been <BR>
laid, using UNICODE as a base (it's native to Windows NT). I <BR>
researched all of the relevant standards, obtained standards, and <BR>
designed and implemented a scheme to allow this to occur. <BR>
I was also responsible for hardware maintenance of the SCO PCs as <BR>
well as responsible for installations of NT on new platforms.  <BR>
I set-up an internal web server for the distribution of documentation, <BR>
as well as configuring the HP workstation to share disk space to the <BR>
Windows boxen. 
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Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Project Leader Computer Telephone Integration Pty Ltd. <BR>
5/7 Park Road, <BR>
Sans Souci NSW, <BR>
2219 <BR>
(02) 9529 2156 <BR>
Jan. 1996 - September 1996 <BR>
Duties: To lead a team of eight software engineers through the full <BR>
development lifecycle of IVR and CTI projects. To meet with <BR>
customers and liaise with 3rd parties to report on project status and <BR>
to suggest possible solutions to sales representatives. <BR>
Customers for CTI included, Macquarie Bank, BHP, Microsoft, <BR>
Datacraft, MMI, ABL, NAB, Qantas, Servcorp. <BR>
Although much of my time was spent in managerial duties, a fair <BR>
portion of my time was also spent in developing software for these <BR>
projects, and investigating new technologies to better implement <BR>
projects. I was also involved in evaluating tenders for a (voice) VPN <BR>
for MMI, which involved meeting with all vendors and evaluating <BR>
the technology. <BR>
During this time, I developed a drop in replacement for the NEC AAC <BR>
system that would run on inexpensive PCs, as well as a generic IVR <BR>
parser that would enable IVR applications to be developed once and <BR>
then easily migrated to any platform.  <BR>
I collaborated with a team from the then ISSC to create a secure <BR>
internet brokerage product for MLC Brokerage department called <BR>
Programming was on Sparc/Axil SCO UNIX, in C, some Visual Basic, <BR>
some Visual C++ under windows 3.1. <BR>
Software Engineer Telstar Systems <BR>
23 Lakeside Drive <BR>
Burwood East <BR>
Victoria 3151 <BR>
Australia <BR>
(03) 9210 4444 <BR>
May 1994-Jan. 1996 <BR>
Duties: To design, implement, debug, and test software modules. My job <BR>
was to design and implement the transaction-processing element of <BR>
the central site software, and to design and implement the test <BR>
software to simulate both the remote and central sites. <BR>
I was involved in the scoping of extensions to stage 1 as well as <BR>
being involved in the scoping of stage 3. All stages of the project <BR>
have so far been delivered on time. <BR>
During the start-up phase of Safe-T-Cam it was my job to specify a <BR>
build environment and the tools necessary to complete the job. <BR>
Safe-T-Cam was the subject of an Australia wide media launch, and <BR>
has been featured on the television shows &quot;Beyond 2000,&quot; and <BR>
&quot;Quantum.&quot; The Safe-T-Cam is the only one of its type in the world. <BR>
Programming was on a SparcServer 2000, using Solaris 2.3 and  <BR>
SunSoft's C++ 4.0.1. Workstations are Sparc IPX, IPC, and LXs. <BR>
Documentation is created using FrameMaker 4.x. 
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Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
Software Engineer Telecom Customised Software Solutions Centre <BR>
Telecom Plaza <BR>
320 Pitt St. <BR>
Sydney South. <BR>
August 1993-May 1994 <BR>
Duties: To support Telecom's OneThree IN product. Most of my time with <BR>
Telecom was spent bug hunting. Towards the end of my <BR>
employment with them I had started in a dual configuration <BR>
management-developer role on a project to develop a reusable C++ <BR>
class library suitable for IN development work. Internal politics <BR>
caused the whole site to be made redundant. Most of the team from <BR>
the CSSC form the Wollongong branch of Telstar Systems where I <BR>
currently work. <BR>
I also did some user requirements analysis for a system to replace <BR>
their current software fault tracking system. The software I specified <BR>
is still in service at Telecom to my knowledge. <BR>
The OneThree network is a telephone service that routes calls based <BR>
on geographic information, time of day, and load balancing of the <BR>
numbers that call can be routed to. <BR>
Although initially employed on a contract subject to review after six <BR>
months, I was made a permanent employee after two months. <BR>
The support work was carried out on Solbourne SMP machines, and <BR>
DecStation5000s. Workstations were Sparc IPXs. All work was <BR>
carried out in C++ using AT&amp;Ts C++ compiler and cfront. <BR>
Associate Lecturer Department of Computer Science <BR>
University of Wollongong <BR>
Northfields Ave. <BR>
Wollongong NSW. <BR>
2522. <BR>
January 1993 - June 1993 <BR>
Duties: Tutor students at an undergraduate level in Computer Science. <BR>
Including the marking of assessment tasks, and consultation with <BR>
students. Tutoring areas include; C, UNIX, Modula2, Prolog, PDP8 <BR>
assembler, MC68000 assembler, debugging, and elements of good <BR>
coding style. All levels of undergraduate from first year though to <BR>
final year students were covered. A formal tutorial was given for <BR>
most subjects during their practical laboratory times. <BR>
<A NAME="421595"></A><A NAME="714114"></A>
<A HREF=></A>
<A NAME="76544"></A><A NAME="88746"></A><A NAME="82869"></A><A NAME="37593"></A><B>Click here to go to my Zope<BR>
Members area
</B>Page 13 / 14 <BR>
Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B>Zope Projects <BR>
</B>I have been working with Zope for over 12 months, and I have created several major <BR>
projects with Zope for different clients. To date I have also created and released seven <BR>
Zope projects to the Zope Community. Amongst these are; <BR>

<IMG SRC="421338_13.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="421338_14.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">A simple search engine and indexer <BR>

<IMG SRC="421338_13.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="421338_14.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">A system for enabling page translations without requiring multiple source trees <BR>

<IMG SRC="421338_13.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="421338_14.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">DTML Tags for content retrieval and display including: polling, RSS channels and <BR>
METAR weather reports. <BR>

<IMG SRC="421338_13.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="421338_14.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">A real time IRC client for Zope that features two-way communication between <BR>
Zope and the client. <BR>

<IMG SRC="421338_13.gif" WIDTH=12 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">
<IMG SRC="421338_14.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="&lt;image&gt;">ZButtons for dynamic graphical buttons in Zope. <BR>
More information on these projects can be found at  <BR> <BR>
I have built for a content filtering client an enterprise IP billing system for billing and <BR>
managing their bandwidth clients. <BR>
I have created a larger billing system for another client, that includes real time netflow <BR>
capture from Cisco routers, asset management, customer management, bandwidth <BR>
management, in an extensible framework that makes it simple to add further billing modules <BR>
(RADIUS e.g.) without requiring changes to the front end. This system also generated PDF <BR>
invoices using ReportLab to email to customers. 
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Curriculum Vitae for Andrew K. Milton - (0416) 022 411 - [email protected] <BR>
<B>Name: </B> Andrew Milton <B>ID Number:</B> 511110701 <B>Date:</B>  1110712000 <BR>
</B>Overall Rating <BR>
Necessary Knowledge <BR>
Understanding of Subject <BR>
Practical Experience <BR>
Work Speed <BR>
</B> 35 100 <BR>
 36 99 <BR>
 32 99 <BR>
 32 99 <BR>
 37 100 <BR>
</B>Understanding of Subject 37 99  <BR>
Practical Experience 36 99 <BR>
<B>CATEGORIES INDICATING STRENGTH </B>Data Types Arithmetic Operators Logical and Relational Operators Operator Precedence Lexical Scope of Identifiers Control Flow Instructions The C Preprocessor Standard Library Functions <BR>
none <BR>
<B>OTHER CATEGORIES EVALUATED </B>C Language Syntax Data Definitions - Constants and Initialisation Data Declarations - Properties of Variables Function Usage Pointers and Arrays Data Structures and Unions <BR>
 &copy;1999-2000 Bookman Testing Services Inc. All rights reserved.    <BR>

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