Copyright (c) 2002 Infrae. All rights reserved. See also LICENSE.txt
Valid for: XMLWidgets-pluggable 0.12 Author: Andy Altepeter Email: aaltepet at bethel dot edu Original Author: Martijn Faassen Email: faassen at infrae dot com
Using XMLWidgets-pluggable
All of the configuration/install/setup of XMLWidgets-pluggable for use with Silva is done in the file of your product. This description assumes you are using XMLWidgets with Silva 1.2. This is not meant as a complete manual on how to use XMLWidgets with Silva. It will also be helpful for you to inspect the file of the Silva release.
XMLWidgetRegistry uses a filesystemsite directory inside your product as the root container for your widgets. You register this directory in in of your product for, like this:
add_fss_directory_view(root, service_extended_widgets
__file__, widgets
Where service_extended_widgets
is the name of the zope folder,
and widgets
is the name of the directory in your product.
You also want to tell the XMLWidgets Editor Service that there is another
root (in def install(root)
) )
Lets say you have a hr
widget that renders a html hr
. You create
a directory here:
The directory ect
is created to prevent naming conflicts with any other
widgets named hr
. Silva has multiple views of a widget (edit, preview,
view), and you need to create a widget registry for each view. Since
each view can render the widget different, you want to have the following
structure in your widget directory:
hr/mode_view /mode_preview /mode_edit /mode_normal
You usually have a render
script (page template, python script) in
each of the above directories except mode_normal
. You also have a render
script in hr/
, which is acquired when rendering mode_normal
is really edit mode).
We want to configure SilvaDocument to use this new hr
widget, so we add
the following to the file. In the install function, call the
def registerHR(root): wr_viewer = root.service_doc_viewer wr_editor = root.service_doc_editor wr_previewer = root.service_doc_previewer
hr_loc = [service_extended_widgets
cur_widgets = doc_editor.getAllowed(doc
,(cur_widgets + ['hr'])
,Horizontal Rule
Some simple widgets use mode_view for mode_preview. HR is a simple widget So you may want to change the line that registers hr to the previewer to:
There are a few other widget registries you may wish to register hr to: service_sub_* - this is the widget registry for field and complex list (li)
In the Services
tab of the Silva Root (in the ZMI), if you visit any of the
widget registries Info
tabs, you will see a list of the widgets
registered, their display names, and the allowed mapping.
XMLWidgets can be used to create through the web viewers and editors of XML content, stored in ParsedXML.
Note: I don't expect people to understand XMLWidgets without far more information. For now, perhaps an example would help. Silva's editor is such an example, so you could install Silva and play with it (see especially the service_widgets directory, and note the scripts in service_setup to register any new widgets).
The XMLWidgets Editor Service
is added just once to a Zope system
and should be called service_editor
. It is a singleton which
provides a number of facilities for viewers and editors.
The XMLWidgets Registry
is used to register widgets (usually
simple Zope folders with content such as page templates and python
scripts). Currently they don't become equipped with any user
interface, so you must use Python Scripts to configure them. The
XMLWidgets Editor Service
then can use this information to render
documents (possibly in editor mode).