PloneCollectorNG 1.2.2 released
I am pleased to announce the release of PloneCollectorNG 1.2.2 (PCNG)
PCNG is a bugtracking system for Plone. It is based on the concepts and ideas of CMFCollector and CMFCollectorNG but it is a complete re-write.
PCNG is a very generic and open framework (you can configure nearly everything TTW).
Changes since V 1.2.1:
- added configuration option to limit uploaded files by size
- an indexed StringField/SelectionWidget is now indexed as FieldIndex instead as an TextIndex (thanks to Erik Lange for the report).
- all portlets (expect action portlets) can be enabled/disabled individually
- fixed compatibility issue with Archetypes 1.3b2 (!TypeError
Any user should read doc/INSTALL.txt before the installation. Upgraders should reinstall the PCNG either through the quickinstall tool or through "Plone setup".