from os import path, sep, makedirs objectList = [] def walk(folder, lookup): # recursive walk fn global objectList objs = folder.objectValues(lookup.keys()) for obj in objs: objectList.append(obj) if getattr(obj, 'isPrincipiaFolderish', None): walk(obj, lookup) def write(folder, lookup): # write fn global objectList for obj in objectList: # ie ignore folders... mt = str(obj.meta_type) if lookup[mt] is None: continue # for win, but shouldnt matter dest = obj.absolute_url(1).replace('/', sep) dest = path.join(folder, dest) # the dir destDir = sep.join(dest.split(sep)[:-1]) if not path.exists(destDir): makedirs(destDir) # write out the object if not dest.endswith(lookup[mt]): dest = dest + lookup[mt] fh = open(dest, 'wb') if mt == 'Image': fh.write(str( else: fh.write(obj.document_src()) fh.close() # the object properties... # wierd propertyMap dont seem to work... props = obj.propertyIds() if props: # hack for python scripts if props == ['title',] and mt == 'Script (Python)': continue pdest = dest + '.properties' fh = open(pdest, 'w') for prop in props: fh.write("%s=%s\n" % (prop, getattr(obj, prop))) fh.close() def setup(folder, name): if not path.exists(folder): makedirs(folder) # touch refresh.txt open(path.join(folder, 'refresh.txt'), 'w').close() fh = open(path.join(folder, ''), 'w') # register the name of the folder fh.write(""" from Products.FileSystemSite.DirectoryView import registerDirectory registerDirectory('%s', globals())""" % name) fh.close() def zodb2fs(self): # some variables to set # the folder to rummage through zopeFolder = self # the destination on the fs to write to # note, this doesnt have to be, but is recommended # to be in the instance_home, so then # the will register the directory as a product # if the name of the folder in products is zodb2fs, then # the product name in the control panel will be zodb2fs destFolder = r'/home/andy/FatSite' # the object mapping of object to ext # any objects not in this list will be ignored objectDict = { 'DTML Document':'.ddoc', 'Script (Python)':'.py', 'DTML Method':'.dtml', 'Image':'', 'Folder':None, } setup(destFolder, zopeFolder.getId()) walk(zopeFolder, objectDict) write(destFolder, objectDict) return "Done"