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Ariel Partners LLC

Ariel provides expert IT consulting for large organizations, including the establishment of software reuse programs, legacy retirement, and mentoring in J2EE, XML/XSLT, Python, and other leading technologies.
Check out our Zope-powered website. All content is written our own docbook-like XML format, stored in CVS, and transformed to HTML dynamically via XSLT.
We regularly perform detailed technical evaluations between competing technologies and make them available on our website. Here are some of the more interesting ones:
Here's a list of Zope extension products we have submitted:
  • ExternalFile extends Zope to work with external files "in situ."
  • CVSFile extends Zope to work with content stored in CVS sandboxes.
  • ZopeXmlMethods transforms XML documents via XSLT, and is the successor project to XMLTransform.
ZopeXMLMethods is the successor project to XMLTransform, which is still available but no longer maintained.
The ZopeXMLMethods project is hosted by sourceforge. If you would like to contribute to the project or need assistance using it, please subscribe to one of the mailing lists and make your intentions known.
We will continue to enhance our existing Zope products and to create new ones, so check back from time to time. Also, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know what you liked or didn't like about our Products, or what you would like to see next. Enjoy!