PopotoTools (Portal GLOBAL package)
- version 0.9a
- Updated a patched ZBabel 2.0.0 beta 2 (for Zope 2.5.x) to work without the GlobalRequest patch.
- Documentation (PDF) available separatly : 3 files for install (12 pages), portal (20 pages), groupware(25 pages)
- no more .zip files. All compressed files are now .tar or .tgz (thanks to cygwin)
- version 0.9
- Updated popoto_install_french_0_9.pdf
- Updated EPIC 2.9.4, index_ztab 2.9.1, popoto 0.9.4, ezZBT 0.9 (ZbabelTower), popotoSetup & popotoCreate
- Added ZBabel 2.0.0 beta 2 (for Zope 2.5.x)
- version 0.7.4a
- Updated popoto_install_french_0_8.pdf for a better explanation about Zope 2.3.3/ZBabel 2.0.0a4
- version 0.7.4
- Updated EPIC 2.9, index_ztab 2.9, popoto 0.7.4b, ezZBT 0.7.4 (ZbabelTower), popotoSetup & popotoCreate
- version 0.7.3
- Updated popoto 0.7.3, EPIC 2.8.3
- version 0.7
- Updated popoto 0.7.1, EPIC 2.8.1, ezZBT 0.7 (ZbabelTower), popotoSetup & popotoCreate
- added ZMultiTab 0.2 & index_ztab.zexp (tab bar for EPIC)
- version 0.6.7
- Updated popoto 0.6.7, EPIC 2.6.4, ezZBT 0.5 (ZbabelTower)
- How-tos are in Acrobat PDF format now.
- version 0.4.3
- Updated popoto 0.4.3, ezZBT 0.4.3 (ZbabelTower)
- version 0.4.2
- Updated popoto 0.4.2, popotoSetup
- ZBabel Tower and Dictionary for french --> english
- version 0.4.1
- Updated popoto 0.4.1, EPIC 2.2.2
- version 0.4
- Updated popoto 0.4, 2 RTF how-to, popotoSetup
- version 0.3
- Updated : ezPortal 0.7, 2 RTF how-to, ezPortalSetup
- version 0.2
- Change number scheme to be ezPortal number independant
- Includes ezPortal 0.6.5, EPIC 2.2.1, 2 RTF how-to, 4 screenshots
popoto (Portal component)
- version 0.9.4
- Popoto works on 2.3.3 and 2.5.x
- Changed some UI
- Popoto can work with KebasData and RDFSummary for external news (new portlet ZClass)
- added a Popoto logo ;-)
- version 0.7.3
- cosmetic changes
- version 0.7.1
- Correction for many small bugs
- Dealing with all type of secuity for EPIC objects is now correctly handled.
- Changed the place where users are created (more consistent)
- Better RewriteRules for Apache
- Identifed a Zope bug for CatalogAware ZClass and gave a workaround.
- Added a powerfull search interface on all CatalogAware objects (full-text)
- Popoto can be now considered as stable
- version 0.6.7
- index, header and footer methods can be easily replaced for huge customization
- Import/export now works fine
- Syndication for the "portlet" in XML/RSS and "one line" javascript
- when Apache in front of Zope, URL are now correct
- Added some meta-data to the portals
- You can choose the menu depth
- Better main HTML desing by default
- Now works with CSS style sheets (partial)
- version 0.4.3
- Update the ZBabel dictionary and some ZClass translation
- Support HTMLDocument
- Correct some ZClass permissions.
- Add direct access (Yihaw Top) ZClass.
- version 0.4.2
- ZBabel ready (original language french)
- Add VirtualHostMonster in each portal for Apache rewriterules
- version 0.4.1
- Allow subobjects DTML Method, VHM and EPIC within a portal
- Adjust permissions
- The navigation bar behave now correctly
- Allow an user to be 'Groupe/GroupeGest" on a poprtal (manage all subfolders EPIC)
- the left navigation bar reflects now the "reference in NFGnav" AND folders 'Access content information" permission.
- version 0.4
- replace the old ezPortal product
- ZClass rewrote (solved a weird import bug) and changed Product and ZClass name.
- OLDER POPOTO OBJECTS NOT COMPATIBLE with 0.4 (but you can export/import the contained objects)
- Much better users and local role management
- Can be used without EPIC (interface autoadaptable) and prepare other products integration
- information about products in use in popoto
EPIC (groupware component)
- version 2.9.4
- EPIC works on 2.3.3 and 2.5.x
- All editing for all objects is now done thru a proper form (no more ZMI)
- Moderation works now properly (files don't download unless approved, objects don't show up if called directly via url, ...) and has is own interface.
- version 2.9
Correct a permission problem
Add a method for visualzing the folder WITH his subfolder on one page
Better handle file types and informations about files.
- version 2.8.3
Re-enable adding epic within epic (the subobject
had vanished in cyberspace) - version 2.8.1
Correct some XML space bug
Works now with a lot of folder views and use ZMultiTab for that.
- version 2.6.4
Syndication (RSS and "one line" javascript) on each EPIC folder
Better and customizable email notification
Better default design
Now works with CSS style sheets (partial)
- version 2.2.2
users with "Groupe" role have the EPIC menu.
- version 2.2.1
correct residual bug (thanks to Christophe Robert)
- version 2.2
First public version
To Do
- Allow a private portal
- Test SMTP and email manager when installing.
- Customized portal examples (.zexp) that can be imported.
- How-To in english