Portail Pour Tous - INSTALLATION
UPDATE - jan 2003
Popoto needs some change under Zope 2.6 (ZCatalog changes, ...). As we are not using Popoto anymore in production (we are now using Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server) i'll not make that changes. But if you made patches for Zope 2.6 (or 2.5), i'll update Popoto.
- If you're a Zope beginner, get the PDF files in (french).
- If you have more experience of Zope:
A - Get Zope 2.3.3 or the latest Zope 2.5.x
B - For the first time, just download the PopotoTools.zip wich comprise all the latest files you need.
C - Later, you can download separately the latest groupware component EPIC.zexp file and the latest portal component popoto.zexp files and replace the old ones in your Zope.
ZBabel multi-language product
YOU NEED to install ZBabel.
- Install the ZBabel version alpha 4 (needed for Zope 2.3.3) or ZBabel version beta 2 (needed for Zope 2.5.x).
- Import the latest ZBabelTower file (ezZBT.zexp available in PopotoTools.zip) within your root folder.
- Install Zope 2.3.3 or 2.5.x
- Get the PopotoTools ZIP file (all the needed files in one ZIP file)
- Unpack NFGnav.tar and CookieCrumbler.tar, and ZBabel.tar (alpha 4 for zope 2.3.3 or patched beta 2 for zope 2.5.x) into directories of the same name in your Zope installation's Products folder
- Copy EPIC.zexp, popoto.zexp, ZMultiTab.zexp, index_ztab.zexp, ezPortalSetup, ezPortalCreate, ezZBT.zexp into your Zope Import directory
- Restart Zope.
- From the Zope management interface, go to Control Panel and import the two new products EPIC and PoPoTo.
- Import index_ztab.zexp, ezPortalSetup, ezPortalCreate, ezZBT.zexp into your Zope root directory
If you run Zope 2.5.x, you need to initialize popoto.
Connect to this url for adapting popoto modules for Zope 2.5:
CORRECT A CatalogAware bug
CatalogAware Zclass have a small problem when working infront of Apache and a VirtualHostMonster.
You need to edit $HOMEZOPE/lib/python/Products/Zcatalog/CatalogAwareness.py and change url() (start ligne 152):
...... def url(self, ftype=urllib.splittype, fhost=urllib.splithost): """Return a SCRIPT_NAME-based url for an object.""" uri = string.join(self.getPhysicalPath(), "/") return urllib.unquote(uri) def summary(self, num=200): .....
After restarting Zope it works fine.
- Setup Popoto by connecting to http://yourserver:8080/popotoSetup
||English translation provided by John Handelaar
- Chargez les 3 notices sur http://www.bas-rhin.sit.gouv.fr/Public/aproposdusit/1037698425/ (PDF en fran�ais).
- Le guide d'installation (PDF) vous permet d'effectuer une installation tr�s simplement.