Re: IIS 6 still problems?
Posted by: ronin at 2007-01-10I found the same problem. After some "googling", I think we are fu****, because we cann't use neither Request.binaryRead, due to Request.totalBytes is 0 with IIS6 when invoking an error handler, nor Request.Form, due to Request.Form doesn't work properly with multipart :-(
Posted by: izabel at 2007-01-10I tried to really dumb solution - analayze query string. If it contains chars "?" and "=", I consider this GET method, POST otherwise. And then send binary data. Well, seems to be working fine, I can log-in, I can edit content, I can use search portlet, I can upload files... So, Zope runs behind IIS6! (At least last 23 hours :) )