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Plomino, build your business applications in Plone

Plomino 1.0 has been released, it is now Plone 3 compliant, and it offers many new features.
Plomino provides the ability to build business-specific applications in Plone without involving Plone products development.

Plomino allows, entirely through the Plone web interface, to create forms, to use those forms to view or edit structured contents, to filter and list those contents, to perform search requests, to add business-specific features and to automate complex processing.

Plomino is widely inspired by the IBM Lotus Domino commercial product, it reproduces its main concepts and features.

With Plomino, you can:
- design dynamic forms just like you would create a Plone content using the Kupu editor,
- handle basic (text, number, dates, selection, ...) and complex field types (rich text, attachments, portal members),
- create custom actions,
- create views to sort, filter or categorize the information,
- build search forms,
- implement scheduled agents to process your data,
- deploy your applications remotely from a server to another,
- replicate your data between two servers.

See the Plomino Flash presentation here:

Plomino is an Makina Corpus ( ) opensource solution.

More information on the Plomino web site ( ).