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Zope editing and debugging with Boa »
Using boa and zope over https
Posted by: brettsch at 2005-02-11Has anyone had any experience using Boa-Constructor to connect to a Zope instance via https? I have had good experiences using it to connect via normal http, but I'm not finding any documentation anywhere that talks about encrypted traffic.
Re: Using boa and zope over https
Posted by: Gijs at 2005-03-15I've no experience with python, zope and boa but I have to find out how I can remotly debug a Python application with Boa for a School/Internship project. Can you pleas explain to me how to do this?
Boa-constructor connection
Posted by: ghm at 2006-01-16Hello i'm a switzerland user of zope an boa-constructor, I want to debug zope with boa-constructor! But i have some problem with the boas-constructor connection for zope! What's the parameters in the boa inspector localpath,servicename and path?