Q I get errors when I try to create ZQueueMessages or ZQueueTopics
A You can only create ZQueueNode and ZQueueTest objects. The other objects are automatically created on subscription or message publishing
Q How do I use this thing from Zope?
A This product was originally intended to act as a message transport system for Python programs running outside Zope. You should, however, be able to use it from Python Scripts, External Python methods and also (if you REALLY want to) DTML and Page Template documents. When using it from inside Zope, you won't need to connect to the Node with XML-RPC but can "talk" to the Node directly.
Q How do I use the ZQueueTest?
A Create a ZQueueTest object from the Zope management interface (ZMI). Click on the newly created object and click on the view tab. There you can choose any of the tests and see the unittest results. The test creates two nodes, publishes some messages and checks if all the messages arrives.
Q How far are you planning to develop this product, can I risk my whole universe on it?
A This project is not an academic excercise and although I won't be my universe on it, I am planning to try and get it quite mature. I am not planning to add a great deal more features to it (depending on individual requests) , but I am planning to get it 99.9% stable and then look at speeding it up.