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v0.2.0 MAJOR changes to the back-end of the queue: Back-end replaced with new stand-alone python message queue, pyMQ. ZMessageQueue now only acts as a Zope wrapper for pyMQ. The old client methods are still available. Added some new client methods.


Fixed a bug that crept into the auto Topic ZODB creation code.


First major (internal) feature upgrade.

Storage of messages are moved from the host Zope's ZODB into seperate ZODB files for each Topic. The 0.1.x series may see moving of more objects into external ZODB files. This greatly enhances the stability of the system and also inhibits the (previously) wild growing of the data.fs file.

API change:

readMessagesFromTopic(topic, applicationId, numberOfMessages=100)

A new optional parameter was added, numberOfMessages: this limits the amount of messages returned at one time.

This version must still be tested properly and may be less stable than version 0.0.4.


Fixed most of the problems with conflict resolution that cause the queue to fail under heavy load, some issues may remain, however. Created a better management interface for unit tests and added a heavy load test.


Created regression testing object that can be added to a Zope folder to do regression testing on the product.

Fixed numerous bugs causing the message queue not to work at all.


Fixed indentation-caused syntax errors found on some systems.


First stable(ish) working version of message queueing system.

Totally ZODB based.

Still got some reliability issues when under very heavy load.