ZRuleCore readme
This product is a Zope wrapping of the ruleCore application from MS Analog Software. It provides (for now) one Zope-global instance of a ruleCore engine. It also provides a new action for the ruleCore engine that enables the ruleCore engine to fire Zope methods as a ruleCore action.
The ruleCore Engine
Currently one global instance of a ruleCore engine is created in a thread when Zope starts up. Support for multiple ruleCore engines will be provided later.
Publishing Events
Events are still published into the ruleCore engine via it's normal interfaces (XML-RPC, IBM MQ Series, etc.) as set up in the ruleCore configuration file.
Defining Actions
The normal ruleCore actions are still supported (event and script), but a new third action type is now available. This action's type is "zopemethod" (as defined in the configuration file). This action type takes one parameter for setup - the traversal path from the root to a Zope method. The Zope method must take as it's only parameter a list of event objects. Whenever the ruleCore engine fires this action, it will acquire this method from the root of the Zope site and call this method with a list of events that led to the action being executed.
Currently the action must be defined in the engine's xml configuration file by hand - no support is yet provided in the ruleCore designer.
The xml island for a typical "zopemethod" action will be as follows:
<action-item type="zopemethod" name="some name">/path/to/zope/method</action-item>
Engine Setup
Currently the engine's setup file location is hard coded to point to the rulecore.xml file in the ZRuleCore package root.