XMLWidgets Installation
How to install XMLWidgets 0.7?
- XMLWidgets depends on XMLDocument, so you need to have that installed.
- Unpack xlmwidgets-0.7.tgz in your Zope directory.
- Restart your Zope.
- For examples, also download the zaml-0.7 release.
Unpacking it in your Zope directory installs the
ZamlBase product, which is a Python base class for
the ZamlViewer and ZamlEditor ZClasses.
Import ZamlViewer.zexp in the Products screen if you want an example of a XML to HTML rendering application.
Import ZamlViewerDemoFolder.zexp somewhere in your Zope tree to get a demo of ZamlViewer.
Import ZamlEditor.zexp in the Products screen if you also want an example of an XLM editor based on XMLWidgets. This uses a lot of advanced features of XMLWidgets, and also needs PythonMethod and FSSession to be installed to work.
Import ZamlEditorDemoFolder.zexp somewhere in your Zope tree to get a demo of ZamlEditor.
Note that the seperate DocBookDocument and TeiDocument releases based on XMLWidgets and XMLDocument can provide you with other examples of XMLWidgets.
Upgrading from 0.6
Upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7 shouldn't break anything, but I can't guarantee it. Let me know if anything goes wrong.
If you tried the editor that came with this, the session information stored in your ZamlEditUID session will be incompatible. I've added a clearSession DTML method in ZamlEditorDemo that you can execute to clear your previous session.
Upgrading from 0.5
Upgrading from 0.5 will break your XMLWidgetManagers; throw them away and create new ones (with the same widget list). Your widgets should be okay, though. Let me know if there is any trouble.
Upgrading from 0.4
Upgrading from 0.4 may work. You may have to press OK
the edit screen of your widgetmanagers, though, as I
added an attribute to its class.
Warning: Upgrading from 0.3
Since XMLWidgets are still under heavy development, upgrades from older versions will likely cause version 0.3 installations to break. You can copy over the DTML methods from the old widgets into the new ones, however (though installing 0.4 may break the widgets so much you can't do this either..).