ZFormulator Installation Instructions
How to install ZFormulator?
Step 0
If you are using the 0.1 version of ZFormulator it is probably safer to first uninstall it:
- remove the zf_demo directory from your Zope.
- remove the lib/python/Products/ZFormulator directory.
The other ZFormulatorForm instances in the object database should be able to survive the 0.1 to 0.2 upgrade.
Now, you can safely install your upgrade.
Step 1
Unpack zformulator-0.2.tgz in the root directory of your Zope installation, like this:
tar xvzf zformulator-0.2.tgz
This will install ZFormulator in lib/python/Products/ZFormulator, and the zf_demo.zexp in the import directory.
Step 2
Restart Zope. ZFormulator now should be installed! To install the demo, import zf_demo.zexp anywhere in your Zope hierarchy.