Z3ext 1.0.0 Released
Key features
- Control panel
- Principals management
- Personal preferences
- Pluggable Content Types
- Content attachments
- Pluggable membership system
- Content space/workspace system
- Product installer
- Cataloging and searching
- Portlets system
- Caching
- WYSIWYG editor
- Easy install with buildout
- Blogging tool
- Discussion forums
- Photo albums
- Wiki
- Personal content spaces
- Personal blogs
- Personal messaging
- User invitations
- Internet connection (eggs downloading)
- Python >= 2.4.4
- Tested on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Build z3ext homesite locally
svn co https://z3ext.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/z3ext/instances/z3extnet/trunk z3extnet
cd z3extnet
python2.5 ./bootstrap.py
./bin/instance fg
Then open url http://localhost:10080/ in your browser. Default login/password for new instance: Manager/passwordLinks
- Project homepage
- Source code
- Discussion Forums
- z3ext 1.0.0 kgs - http://download.z3ext.net/z3ext1.0/versions-1.0.0.cfg
- Changes 1.0.0beta3 -> final