PHParser/PHPGateway aims to combine Zope and PHP together. It provides you a possibility to run PHP scripts under Zope and Plone.
PHParser is a DTML-Document-like object. Its content when being published is first rendered by the DTML engine and then passed to PHP CGI. The result from PHP CGI will be finally displayed.
PHPGateway is a Folder-like object. When its docroot property is pointed to a real directory in the file system, the entire directory can be published by Zope, even as a virtual host. Especially, the .php files under that directory will be directly passed to PHP CGI without DTML rendering. For example, you can now make phpMyAdmin installed in the file system run on Zope only by adding just one PHPGateway object.
Major Enhancements:
Known Limitations:
Untested Functionalities:
Known Incompatibilities:
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