Version changes
Version 0-1-0:
- You can now use it as a normal python product. Just uncompress it to /lib/python/Products.
- New object icons and metatype (sorry but this will brake ZMenus 0.0.1 product objects).
- You can now add all kind of objects to a ZContainer (only ZContainerItem and Folder metatype will be rendered in the tree).
- Not using 'http://' in the link text box will cause 'absolute_url' to be called. This means that you can build all of your portal inside a ZContainer automaticly having the navigation menu created. Just insert index_html in the link text box.
- You only need to call the ZContainer id in the page
you want your navigation menu
dtml-var ZContainer_id
so if you create a ZContainer named 'menu' you only have to call it asdtml-var menu
- No need to call it from dtml-methods anymore. If your site uses aquisition to call index_html don't forget to force the namespace where your ZContainer is using dtml-with tag.
- You'll need renderable product to use ZMenu.