/***************************************************************************** Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 1.0 ------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Digital Creations. All rights reserved. This license has been certified as Open Source(tm). Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Digital Creations requests that attribution be given to Zope in any manner possible. Zope includes a "Powered by Zope" button that is installed by default. While it is not a license violation to remove this button, it is requested that the attribution remain. A significant investment has been put into Zope, and this effort will continue if the Zope community continues to grow. This is one way to assure that growth. 4. All advertising materials and documentation mentioning features derived from or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment (http://www.zope.org/)." In the event that the product being advertised includes an intact Zope distribution (with copyright and license included) then this clause is waived. 5. Names associated with Zope or Digital Creations must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission from Digital Creations. 6. Modified redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment (http://www.zope.org/)." Intact (re-)distributions of any official Zope release do not require an external acknowledgement. 7. Modifications are encouraged but must be packaged separately as patches to official Zope releases. Distributions that do not clearly separate the patches from the original work must be clearly labeled as unofficial distributions. Modifications which do not carry the name Zope may be packaged in any form, as long as they conform to all of the clauses above. Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DIGITAL CREATIONS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL CREATIONS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of contributions made by Digital Creations and many individuals on behalf of Digital Creations. Specific attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file. ****************************************************************************/ static char cPickleCache_doc_string[] = "Defines the PickleCache used by ZODB Connection objects.\n" "\n" "$Id$\n"; #define ASSIGN(V,E) {PyObject *__e; __e=(E); Py_XDECREF(V); (V)=__e;} #define UNLESS(E) if(!(E)) #define UNLESS_ASSIGN(V,E) ASSIGN(V,E) UNLESS(V) #define OBJECT(O) ((PyObject*)O) #define DONT_USE_CPERSISTENCECAPI #include "cPersistence.h" #include #include #undef Py_FindMethod /* Toby Dickenson's changes of interest: * objects are stored under three different regimes: a. Non-Ghost Persistent Instances are stored in the self->data dictionary with a weak reference, and in the doubly linked list starting at self->ring_home with a strong reference. The are counted in self->non_ghost_count. During garbage collection they may be turned into ghosts. b. Ghost Persistent Instances are stored in the self->data dictionary with a weak reference. They are removed from the dictionary when the last foreign reference is released. c. Persistent classes (such as ZClasses) are stored in self->data dictionary with a strong reference, and counted in self->klass_count. They are not garbage collected. * cache objects must have a correct _p_oid attribute. this is now enforced. * The attribute .cache_data is now a *copy* of the cache dict. * The attribute .cache_size now controls the number of non-ghost items. This isa better measure of memory usage, but you probably want to use a number 5 or 10 times smaller than under the previous implementation. * All persistent extension classes must be changed to use the PER_GHOSTIFY macro rather than assign to cPersistent_GHOST_STATE * The non-ghost lru list is exposed as new cache attributes .cache_non_ghost_count and .cache_lru_items(). * The cached persistent classes (ZClasses) are exposed as new cache attributes .cache_klass_count and .cache_klass_items(). */ static PyObject *py__p_oid, *py_reload, *py__p_jar, *py__p_changed; /* define this for extra debugging checks. */ /* #define MUCH_RING_CHECKING 1 */ #if 0 #define ENGINE_NOISE(A) printf(A) #else #define ENGINE_NOISE(A) ((void)A) #endif /* the layout of this struct is the same as the start of ccobject_head in cPersistence.c */ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD CPersistentRing ring_home; int non_ghost_count; int klass_count; PyObject *data; PyObject *jar; PyObject *setklassstate; int cache_size; int ring_lock; int cache_drain_resistance; } ccobject; staticforward PyTypeObject Cctype; staticforward int check_ring(ccobject *self,const char *context); staticforward int cc_ass_sub(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static PyObject *object_from_oid(ccobject *self,PyObject *key) /* somewhat of a replacement for PyDict_GetItem(self->data.... however this returns a *new* reference */ { PyObject *v = PyDict_GetItem(self->data, key); if(!v) return NULL; Py_INCREF(v); return v; } static cPersistentObject *object_from_ring(ccobject *self,CPersistentRing *here,const char *context) { /* Given a position in the LRU ring, return a borrowed reference to the object at that point in the ring. The caller is responsible for ensuring that this ring position really does correspond to a persistent object, although the debugging version will double-check this. */ PyObject *object = (PyObject *)(((void *)here)-offsetof(cPersistentObject,ring)); #ifdef MUCH_RING_CHECKING if(!PyExtensionInstance_Check(object)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"Unexpectedly encountered non-ExtensionClass object in %s",context); return NULL; } if(!(((PyExtensionClass*)(object->ob_type))->class_flags & PERSISTENT_TYPE_FLAG)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"Unexpectedly encountered non-persistent object in %s",context); return NULL; } if(((cPersistentObject*)object)->jar!=self->jar) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"Unexpectedly encountered object from a different jar in %s",context); return NULL; } if(((cPersistentObject*)object)->cache!=(PyObject *)self) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,"Unexpectedly encountered broken ring in %s",context); return NULL; } #endif return (cPersistentObject *)object; } static int scan_gc_items(ccobject *self,int target) { cPersistentObject *object; int error; CPersistentRing placeholder; CPersistentRing *here = self->ring_home.next; while(1) { if(check_ring(self,"mid-gc")) return -1; if(here==&self->ring_home) { /* back to the home position. stop looking */ return 0; } /* At this point we know that the ring only contains nodes from persistent objects, plus our own home node. We can safely assume this is a persistent object now we know it is not the home */ object = object_from_ring(self,here,"scan_gc_items"); if(!object) return -1; if(self->non_ghost_count<=target) { /* we are small enough */ return 0; } else if(object->state==cPersistent_UPTODATE_STATE) { /* deactivate it. This is the main memory saver. */ ENGINE_NOISE("G"); /* add a placeholder */ placeholder.next = here->next; placeholder.prev = here; here->next->prev = &placeholder; here->next = &placeholder; error = PyObject_SetAttr((PyObject *)object,py__p_changed,Py_None); /* unlink the placeholder */ placeholder.next->prev=placeholder.prev; placeholder.prev->next=placeholder.next; here = placeholder.next; if(error) return 1; /* problem */ } else { ENGINE_NOISE("."); here = here->next; } } } static PyObject * lockgc(ccobject *self,int target_size) { if(self->ring_lock) { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } if(check_ring(self,"pre-gc")) return NULL; self->ring_lock = 1; if(scan_gc_items(self,target_size)) { self->ring_lock = 0; return NULL; } self->ring_lock = 0; if(check_ring(self,"post-gc")) return NULL; ENGINE_NOISE("\n"); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject * cc_incrgc(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { int n=1; int starting_size = self->non_ghost_count; int target_size = self->cache_size; if(self->cache_drain_resistance>=1) { /* This cache will gradually drain down to a small size. Check a (small) number of objects proportional to the current size */ int target_size_2 = starting_size - 1 - starting_size/self->cache_drain_resistance; if(target_size_2ob_refcnt <= 1) { self->klass_count--; if (PyDict_DelItem(self->data, key) < 0) PyErr_Clear(); } else { v=PyObject_CallFunction(self->setklassstate, "O", v); if (v) Py_DECREF(v); else PyErr_Clear(); } } else { if(PyObject_DelAttr(v,py__p_changed) < 0) PyErr_Clear(); } Py_DECREF(v); } } static PyObject * cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *inv, *key, *v; int i; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &inv)) { for (i=0; PyDict_Next(inv, &i, &key, &v); ) if (key==Py_None) { /* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */ for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) _invalidate(self, key); break; } else _invalidate(self, key); PyDict_Clear(inv); } else { PyErr_Clear(); UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inv)) return NULL; if (PyString_Check(inv)) _invalidate(self, inv); else if (inv==Py_None) /* All */ for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) _invalidate(self, key); else { int l; PyErr_Clear(); if ((l=PyObject_Length(inv)) < 0) return NULL; for(i=l; --i >= 0; ) { UNLESS (key=PySequence_GetItem(inv, i)) return NULL; _invalidate(self, key); Py_DECREF(key); } PySequence_DelSlice(inv, 0, l); } } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject * cc_get(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *r, *key, *d=0; UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O|O", &key, &d)) return NULL; UNLESS (r=(PyObject *)object_from_oid(self, key)) { if (d) { PyErr_Clear(); r=d; Py_INCREF(r); } else { PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key); return NULL; } } return r; } static PyObject * cc_klass_items(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *l,*k,*v; int p = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"")) return NULL; l = PyList_New(0); if(!l) return NULL; while(PyDict_Next(self->data, &p, &k, &v)) { if(PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) { v=PyObject_CallMethod(l,"append","((OO))",k,v); if(!v) { Py_DECREF(l); return NULL; } } } return l; } static PyObject * cc_lru_items(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *l; CPersistentRing *here; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"")) return NULL; if(self->ring_lock) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,".lru_items() is unavailable during garbage collection"); return NULL; } if(check_ring(self,"pre-cc_items")) return NULL; l = PyList_New(0); if(!l) return NULL; here = self->ring_home.next; while(here!=&self->ring_home) { cPersistentObject *object = object_from_ring(self,here,"cc_items"); PyObject *v; if(!object) { Py_DECREF(l); return NULL; } v=PyObject_CallMethod(l,"append","((OO))",object->oid,object); if(!v) { Py_DECREF(l); return NULL; } Py_DECREF(v); here = here->next; } return l; } static PyObject * cc_oid_unreferenced(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *oid,*v; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O",&oid)) return NULL; v = PyDict_GetItem(self->data, oid); if(!v) return NULL; if(v->ob_refcnt) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,"oid has reference count of %d, should be zero",v->ob_refcnt); return NULL; } PyDict_DelItem(self->data, oid); /* that sends the reference count negative.... ooops */ Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static struct PyMethodDef cc_methods[] = { {"_oid_unreferenced", (PyCFunction)cc_oid_unreferenced, METH_VARARGS, NULL }, {"lru_items", (PyCFunction)cc_lru_items, METH_VARARGS, "List (oid, object) pairs from the lru list, as 2-tuples.\n" }, {"klass_items", (PyCFunction)cc_klass_items, METH_VARARGS, "List (oid, object) pairs of cached persistent classes.\n" }, {"full_sweep", (PyCFunction)cc_full_sweep, METH_VARARGS, "full_sweep([age]) -- Perform a full sweep of the cache\n\n" "Make a single pass through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n" "longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring\n" "the cache under its size limit\n" "The optional 'age' parameter is ignored.\n" }, {"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_reallyfull_sweep, METH_VARARGS, "minimize([age]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n" "Make multiple passes through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n" "longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring the" " cache under its size limit\n" "The option 'age' parameter is ignored.\n" }, {"incrgc", (PyCFunction)cc_incrgc, METH_VARARGS, "incrgc([n]) -- Perform incremental garbage collection\n\n" "Some other implementations support an optional parameter 'n' which\n" "indicates a repetition count; this value is ignored.\n"}, {"invalidate", (PyCFunction)cc_invalidate, METH_VARARGS, "invalidate(oids) -- invalidate one, many, or all ids"}, {"get", (PyCFunction)cc_get, METH_VARARGS, "get(key [, default]) -- get an item, or a default"}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static ccobject * newccobject(PyObject *jar, int cache_size, int cache_age) { ccobject *self; UNLESS(self = PyObject_NEW(ccobject, &Cctype)) return NULL; self->setklassstate=self->jar=NULL; if((self->data=PyDict_New())) { self->jar=jar; Py_INCREF(jar); UNLESS (self->setklassstate=PyObject_GetAttrString(jar, "setklassstate")) return NULL; self->cache_size=cache_size; self->non_ghost_count=0; self->klass_count=0; self->cache_drain_resistance=0; self->ring_lock=0; self->ring_home.next = &self->ring_home; self->ring_home.prev = &self->ring_home; return self; } Py_DECREF(self); return NULL; } static void cc_dealloc(ccobject *self) { Py_XDECREF(self->data); Py_XDECREF(self->jar); Py_XDECREF(self->setklassstate); PyMem_DEL(self); } static PyObject * cc_getattr(ccobject *self, char *name) { PyObject *r; if(check_ring(self,"getattr")) return NULL; if(*name=='c') { if(strcmp(name,"cache_age")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(0); /* this cache does not use this value */ if(strcmp(name,"cache_size")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->cache_size); if(strcmp(name,"cache_drain_resistance")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->cache_drain_resistance); if(strcmp(name,"cache_non_ghost_count")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->non_ghost_count); if(strcmp(name,"cache_klass_count")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->klass_count); if(strcmp(name,"cache_data")==0) { /* now a copy of our data; the ring is too fragile */ return PyDict_Copy(self->data); } } if((*name=='h' && strcmp(name, "has_key")==0) || (*name=='i' && strcmp(name, "items")==0) || (*name=='k' && strcmp(name, "keys")==0) ) return PyObject_GetAttrString(self->data, name); if((r=Py_FindMethod(cc_methods, (PyObject *)self, name))) return r; PyErr_Clear(); return PyObject_GetAttrString(self->data, name); } static int cc_setattr(ccobject *self, char *name, PyObject *value) { if(value) { int v; if(strcmp(name,"cache_age")==0) { /* this cache doesnt use the age */ return 0; } if(strcmp(name,"cache_size")==0) { UNLESS(PyArg_Parse(value,"i",&v)) return -1; self->cache_size=v; return 0; } if(strcmp(name,"cache_drain_resistance")==0) { UNLESS(PyArg_Parse(value,"i",&v)) return -1; self->cache_drain_resistance=v; return 0; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name); return -1; } static int cc_length(ccobject *self) { return PyObject_Length(self->data); } static PyObject * cc_subscript(ccobject *self, PyObject *key) { PyObject *r; if(check_ring(self,"__getitem__")) return NULL; UNLESS (r=(PyObject *)object_from_oid(self, key)) { PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key); return NULL; } return r; } static int cc_ass_sub(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v) { int result; if(v) { if( ( PyExtensionInstance_Check(v) && (((PyExtensionClass*)(v->ob_type))->class_flags & PERSISTENT_TYPE_FLAG) && (v->ob_type->tp_basicsize >= sizeof(cPersistentObject)) ) || PyExtensionClass_Check(v) ) { PyObject *oid = PyObject_GetAttr(v,py__p_oid); PyObject *object_again; if(!oid) { return -1; } if(PyObject_Cmp(key,oid,&result)) { Py_DECREF(oid); return -1; } Py_DECREF(oid); if(result) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"key must be the same as the object's oid attribute"); return -1; } object_again = object_from_oid(self, key); if(object_again) { if(object_again!=v) { Py_DECREF(object_again); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"Can not re-register object under a different oid"); return -1; } else { /* re-register under the same oid - no work needed */ Py_DECREF(object_again); return 0; } } if(PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) { if(PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v)) return -1; self->klass_count++; return 0; } else { if(((cPersistentObject*)v)->cache) { if(((cPersistentObject*)v)->cache==(PyObject *)self) { /* This object is already one of ours, which is ok. It would be very strange if someone was trying to register the same object under a different key */ } else { /* This object is already in a different cache. */ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Cache values may only be in one cache."); return -1; } } if(check_ring(self,"pre-setitem")) return -1; if(PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v)) return -1; Py_INCREF(self); ((cPersistentObject*)v)->cache = (PyObject *)self; if(((cPersistentObject*)v)->state>=0) { /* insert this non-ghost object into the ring just behind the home position */ self->non_ghost_count++; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.next = &self->ring_home; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.prev = self->ring_home.prev; self->ring_home.prev->next = &((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring; self->ring_home.prev = &((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring; } else { /* steal a reference from the dictionary; ghosts have a weak reference */ Py_DECREF(v); } if(check_ring(self,"post-setitem")) return -1; return 0; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Cache values must be persistent objects."); return -1; } } else { /* unlink this item from the ring */ if(check_ring(self,"pre-delitem")) return -1; v = (PyObject *)object_from_oid(self,key); if(!v) return -1; if(PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) { self->klass_count--; } else { if(((cPersistentObject*)v)->state>=0) { self->non_ghost_count--; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.next->prev = ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.prev; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.prev->next = ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.next; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.prev = NULL; ((cPersistentObject*)v)->ring.next = NULL; } else { /* This is a ghost object, so we havent kept a reference count on it. For it have stayed alive this long someone else must be keeping a reference to it. Therefore we need to temporarily give it back a reference count before calling DelItem below */ Py_INCREF(v); } Py_DECREF(((cPersistentObject*)v)->cache); ((cPersistentObject*)v)->cache = NULL; } Py_DECREF(v); if(PyDict_DelItem(self->data, key)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "unexpectedly couldnt remove key in cc_ass_sub"); return -1; } if(check_ring(self,"post-delitem")) return -1; return 0; } } static int _check_ring(ccobject *self,const char *context) { CPersistentRing *here = &(self->ring_home); int expected = 1+self->non_ghost_count; int total = 0; do { if(++total>(expected+10)) return 3; /* ring too big, by a large margin */ if(!here->next) return 4; /* various linking problems */ if(!here->prev) return 5; if(!here->next->prev) return 7; if(!here->prev->next) return 8; if(here->prev->next!=here) return 9; if(here->next->prev!=here) return 10; if(!self->ring_lock) { /* if the ring must be locked then it only contains object other than persistent instances */ if(here!=&self->ring_home) { cPersistentObject *object = object_from_ring(self,here,context); if(!object) return 12; if(object->state==cPersistent_GHOST_STATE) return 13; } } here = here->next; } while(here!=&self->ring_home); if(self->ring_lock) { if(totaldata)); return code; } #endif return 0; } static PyMappingMethods cc_as_mapping = { (inquiry)cc_length, /*mp_length*/ (binaryfunc)cc_subscript, /*mp_subscript*/ (objobjargproc)cc_ass_sub, /*mp_ass_subscript*/ }; static PyTypeObject Cctype = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /*ob_size*/ "cPickleCache", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(ccobject), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)cc_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ (printfunc)0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)cc_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)cc_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/ (cmpfunc)0, /*tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ &cc_as_mapping, /*tp_as_mapping*/ (hashfunc)0, /*tp_hash*/ (ternaryfunc)0, /*tp_call*/ (reprfunc)0, /*tp_str*/ /* Space for future expansion */ 0L,0L,0L,0L, "" }; static PyObject * cCM_new(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int cache_size=100, cache_age=1000; PyObject *jar; UNLESS(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|ii", &jar, &cache_size, &cache_age)) return NULL; return (PyObject*)newccobject(jar, cache_size,cache_age); } static struct PyMethodDef cCM_methods[] = { {"PickleCache",(PyCFunction)cCM_new, METH_VARARGS, ""}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; void initcPickleCache(void) { PyObject *m, *d; char *rev="$Revision$"; Cctype.ob_type=&PyType_Type; UNLESS(ExtensionClassImported) return; m = Py_InitModule4("cPickleCache", cCM_methods, cPickleCache_doc_string, (PyObject*)NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION); d = PyModule_GetDict(m); py__p_oid=PyString_FromString("_p_oid"); py_reload=PyString_FromString("reload"); py__p_jar=PyString_FromString("_p_jar"); py__p_changed=PyString_FromString("_p_changed"); if(!strncmp(rev,"$Revision: ",11)) PyDict_SetItemString(d,"__version__", PyString_FromStringAndSize(rev+11,strlen(rev+11)-2)); else PyDict_SetItemString(d,"__version__", PyString_FromString("0.0")); }