GroupUserFolder 1.3 released
This still magic GRUF component, adding native group support to Zope hit the street with version 1.3 !
This new version adds a very nice feature : groups nesting. GRUF Groups can now belong to other groups transparently.
Also, this version includes nice ZMI improvements: groups and users displayed as a tree, a click-on-everything management interface, and minor bugfixes.
This makes GRUF the most advanced group-oriented component of the whole Zope world ;)
GRUF has a lot of powerful features included :
- GRUF is a convenient tool to manage groups of users within Zope.
- It works as a frontend between a Zope application relying on a UserFolder and a set of two regular UserFolders : one will store the users and the other one will store the groups.
It has a whole bunch of cool features, especially :
- It doesn't patch anything in Zope ;
- It integrates smoothly without the need of any additional form (some are provided but it's only for convenience) ;
- It doesn't store users by itself but delegates that job to another User Folder. So, it works with virtually ANY Zope UserFolder in there ! (especially standard acl_users but also LDAPUserFolder, SimpleUserFolder, ...) ;
- It allows groups and users to be stored in a separated backend (eg. groups in ZODB and users in LDAP, ...);
- It provides clean management screens (including user and groups editing interfaces)
- It provides unique security auditing tools ;
- It's compatible with regular Zope UserFolder API ;
- Groups are seen as regular Zope users in applications that doesn't include groups support. Thus, you don't have to rewrite anything to gain benefit from GRUF's groups !
- This version will be integrated de-facto into Plone 1.1 (Note the GRUF works perfectly as a pure Zope component)
GRUF is another cool release by the Ingeniweb team.
Read more here
And, of course, it's Open-Source (GPL licence).