This is an early release. It works for me, it may not work for you.
Yes, the icon is terrible. Yes, I can do better. Look for a less-than-ten-seconds-to-make icon in the next version.
Product Refresh
Product refresh works spottily if at all wrt the factory. As I learn more about this, I'll fix it.
Security and Polish
Little if any thought has been given to security and error handling. Let me know about any rough edges.
Persistence and Memory Leaks
If ExtZSQL Methods are kept persistently (simply by referring to them in class attributes) the factory will lose track of them on server restart, thus negating all the factory goodness. Following the calling procedures (see README) will fix this.
It is possible to allow an object to be handed back to the factory, but I have no use for this. Let me know if you do.
There is also an off-chance for memory leaks, both in the ZODB and in-process. I think I understand what is happening and that everything is under control, but problems are definitely possible. If you learn anything one way or the other with regard to ZODB bloating (either packable or not) or real memory leaks, please inform me.
Unlike other FS-products, ExtZSQL doesn't allow editing. This can be done, either like External File or like a CMF FSObject (by cloning). Again, this feature doesn't exist, because I don't need it. It can be added.
Statement Refresh
Currently refresh checking only takes place when getStatement is invoked on the factory. One could potentially do it on __call__ but this is not done. It can be done manually on TTW objects through the refresh tab (bug me if I release it without such a thing) or through the APIs of either factory or method.
And yes, I do know that after refresh the tabs are gone. I don't know why.