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znode: Zope for Script and CGI Developers

Who this document is for

If you're familiar with, or have used, CGI and some form of programming language to do web development, this document is meant to help you transition to Zope.

CGI and script programming for the web includes all the various ways you can get to the web with naked CGI, including binary compiled languages and scripts, as well as scripts in languages such as Perl that get to the web some other way. This includes things like Apache's mod_perl and friends. It may also include higher level frameworks like some other Apache mods, but the further you get from writing straight with CGI, the further you get from the scope of this document.

How web applications work in CGI and scripting languages


When is CGI/Scripting better than Zope?


The Road to Zope Mastery


Parting Words
