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It would be more convenient if the tar.gz package behaved like other products i.e. you untar it in the Zope root directory and it delivers the product to lib/python/Products for you.

2000/12/18 jdavid: I see two reasons not to do that, the first one is that there're distributions (at least Debian) where Zope Products aren't installed in the Zope root directory, the second is that I think it's more natural to install it from the Products directory because it's a product. IMHO Zope needs a package system, with a Policy, that solves these issues. Anyway I'll re-consider this for the next development release, the 1.1.x series.

k (2001/01/11 ): in the 1.0.2 release, it seems that # signs before a color value will result in the red value of the RGB being ignored, whereas this was not the case in previous versions. Perhaps stripping out any included #'s would be in order since this is natural behavior for html people.

k (2001/01/13 ): the bgcolor of the empty squares (where there is no date - the beginning and end of the month) cannot be changed with setCalendar(). i guess this goes under "look&feel more configurable" - i ended up just changing line 538 in explicitly so that things would render how i wanted...