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Welcome to the Calendar Tag Wiki

The 1.0 version is out! now it's time to think about the next development series.

Please leave your comments on the Discussion page.

Calendar 1.2 wish list and proposed solutions

  • The look&feel of the calendar should be more customizable.

    Allow different skins for the calendar tag, a new argument would be needed to select the skin, it also would be nice to use a different sub-skin based on the remote browser.

    The Skinnable And Localizable Objects project would be really useful here.

  • Add a week number cell

    This will require the use of sub-tags to render this new kind of cell.

Backwards compatibility will be sacrificed when needed in favor of a clean API. A more redeable source will be also a priority, perhaps a complete rewrite will be done. The first development version, 1.1.0, won't be available soon.


We need more translations, currently we have support for: catalan, english, dutch, finnish, french, german, italian, norwegian, portuguese, russian and spanish.

Please, send me the translation for your language.

Several random old thoughts are here so I don't forget them

  • API
    • Split the argument weekdays in first_weekday and number_of_weekdays?
    • Remove the daynames property?
    • Remove the setCalendar("url_", ...) hook?
    • Add a new varible currentday
  • Documentation
    • Add an INSTALL file.
    • Split the README file in two files: COPYRIGHT and README.
    • Add a Howto to the product (perhaps the Jon Udell howto, if he agrees).
  • Internal
    • Change the way the HTML code is generated, use DTML files instead of HTML inside the python code. The purpose of this is to help to maintain the code, and it's the Zope way (I think). This could be done after 1.0.

Look at the RecentChanges.

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