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What is a wiki web ?

A wiki page is a web page which can be changed on the spot by anyone reading it, and which follows certain conventions to simplify writing and linking. For example, wiki pages typically have a WikiName - a name which is one or more capitalized words run together.

A wiki web, or wiki, is a collection of such pages. Like other websites, a wiki often has a particular focus or subject orientation. For the full background on wiki usage and culture, I recommend a visit to WikiWikiWeb.

How do I edit ?

Click "Edit this page" at the bottom of any page (SandBox is a good place to practice). You will see a large field where you can make changes to the text. This will be formatted according to the TextFormattingRules when you click "Change".

To create a link from one wiki page to another, just write its name. If the page does not yet exist, a ? will be displayed by its name. Click the ? to create that page.

How do I navigate ?

Clicking on the title at the top of any page lists all other pages which link to it (BackLinks).

Click the title a second time to return to the FrontPage.

The JumpTo field at the bottom of every page is useful for fast navigation and searching. Or you can go directly to the SearchPage.