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How to install


NOTE Version 1.2 Requires CMF 1.2. It has been tested with Zope 2.4.3.

Copy the tarball to the Products directory for CMFOptions 1.2 or your Zope root directory for older versions, and uncompress it

tar -xzvf CMFOptions_X_X.tgz

(x is version #)

Restart Zope and you should see CMFOptions in the Control_Panel/Products folder.


Since CMFOPtions is not a native part of the portal, you need to do a few things for it to work correctly.

Within an installed portal (this must be repeated for all portal instances)

  1. Click on portal_types. Click the drop down box and add a Factory-based Type Information item.

    Give the new item an id of "CMFExternalImage" BE SURE to select "CMFOptions: Portal External Image" from the "Use default type information" dropdown box.

    Repeat this to create a second Factory-based Type Information item with the id "CMFExternalFile" with the type information from "CMFOptions: Portal External File"

    Repeat this to create a third Factory-based Type Information item with the id "Blark" with the type information from "CMFOptions: Blark Weblog"

  2. Click on portal_skins. Add a new "FileSystem Directory View" item with an ID of CMFOptions (or Cmfo) and use "lib/python/Products/CMFOptions/skins" as the directory.
  3. Click on portal_skins, then Properties. For each skin, you need to add in CMFOptions (or Cmfo), right after custom. Be sure to click SAVE when you're done.

You should now be able to add Blarks, External Images, and Files from the "mystuff" page in a portal.


If you wish to use the email notification feature, you need to set the Use mailhost services permission for the member role ON in the mailhost you're using. There's a MailHost object in the portal's root. If you want to see an image of that page, click here.