Changes to the JMBoring product
JMBoring 0.3 (2004/08/31)
Features Added
- JMBoring were adapted to the new version of JMZPTMacros, which is now installed on the Products folder instead of on Share folder.
- A boring icon was also included ;-)
JMBoring 0.2 (2003/11/06)
Features Added
- No features were added
Bugs Fixed
- Code to add attributes to a template changed from:
,globals()) manage_foo.attributeName=attributeValueto: _foo=PageTemplateFile(
,globals()) def manage_foo(self,args,kw): """manage_foo method""" kw['attributeName']=attributeValue return self._foo(args,**kw)According to Chris Withers the first call could cause security assertions that are difficult to protect and if one isn't careless with the attribute names, then one could overwrite something important in the source code of ZPT. See the following link for more details and the solution proposed by Dieter:
- generic and generic_add Templates were added to the register
class in in order to enable the JMBoring_Add template
access them. This solution was pointed by Dieter in:
As a consecuense, the template JMBoring_Add where also modified. Now you the generic macros aren't inside the build-in "template" variable, instead, they are defined in the "here" context.
- Since the attribute management_view wasn't being used, it was removed from the manage_main and the manage_view templates
JMBoring 0.1 (2003/07/23)
Features Added
- No features were added
Bugs Fixed
- No bugs were found