Changes to the JMZPTMacros product
JMZPTMacros 0.3 (2004/08/31)
Features Added
- Now JMZPTMacros is installed as a normal zope product. In other
words, you won't need to install it on the Shared folder anymore.
In order to achieve this, some security assertions were defined.
JMZPTMacros 0.2 (2003/11/06)
Features Added
Bugs Fixed
- Because adding the attributes like I was doing it before created
some problems (see JMBoring HISTORY.txt for details), all the
references to template/Kind were changed to options/Kind.
- Since the attribute management_view wasn't being used, the
comment about it in the generic template was removed
JMZPTMacros 0.1 (2003/07/24)
Features Added
Bugs Fixed