JMBoring 0.3 and JMZPTMacros 0.3 released
JMBoring is a python based product dtml free. The management interfaces use my JMZPTMacros product, which is a collection of generic ZPT macros that can be easily used from other products.
The main objective of these two products is to show how a python product is done and to provide some reusable code to implement basic management views with zpt macros: manage_add, manage_edit, and manage_view.
This release changes the way JMZPTMacros is intalled: Now it is not installed on the "Shared" folder. Intead, it is installed as a normal zope product. To achieve this, new class assertions were added. Some imports on the JMBoring product were also modified in order to make it work with the new version of JMZPTMacros.