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Converting Python Methods to Python ScriptsPython Scripts are very similar to Python Methods. The important differences in my experience for converting Python Methods to Python Scripts are:
Why Convert?The main reason I can think of is that retaining Python Methods adds another dependency to your work, where Python Scripts are part of the distribution in Zope 2.3.0+. I have written a Python Script that does some of the work for converting (a folder of) your existing Python Methods to Python Scripts. It's not perfect, but it mostly worked for me. Just put it in a folder that has Python Methods, and press the "try" management tab Please do understand what it does before using it. import string ids = container.objectIds('Python Method') oldscriptsuffix='.old' #replace all self. with the following: #change to context if needed newself = 'container' #for future programmatic use just to be certain no extra dots if string.find(newself,'.') >= 0: newself = string.replace(newself,'.','') for method_id in ids: method_id = string.strip(method_id) #get the Method and its title method = container[method_id] title = method.title #FTPget does not require external method! thebody = method.manage_FTPget() #get the params eop = string.find(thebody,'/params')-1 params = thebody[8:eop] params = string.replace(params,' ','') params = string.replace(params,'self,','') params = string.rstrip(string.replace(params,'self','')) body = thebody[eop+10:] #get the body newbodylist = [] splitbody = string.split(body,'\n') #do imports as needed #bug: random will be imported if you use whrandom for animport in ['string','whrandom','random','math']: if string.find(body,animport+'.') >= 0: newbodylist.append('import ' + animport) for k in splitbody: #this would be a good place for re newstring = string.replace(k,'self.',newself + '.') #bug: might miss 'self [' wish re were available newstring = string.replace(newstring,'self[', newself + '[') newbodylist.append(string.rstrip(newstring)) body = string.join(newbodylist,'\n') # uncomment to see the raw data # print 'params = "%s"' % params # print 'body is:\n"%s"' % body #rename the old and create the new. don't do more than once. if method_id [-len(oldscriptsuffix):] <> oldscriptsuffix: container.manage_renameObject(method_id,method_id+oldscriptsuffix) container.manage_addProduct['PythonScripts'].manage_addPythonScript(method_id) newscript = container[method_id] newscript.ZPythonScript_setTitle(title) newscript.ZPythonScript_edit(params, body) print 'converted: \t%s' % method_id if len(printed) < 9: print "No methods to convert" return printed |