ZEXP ((U App.ProductqUProductqtqNt.}q(UidqUTrackerqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq ]q UOwnerq asU_objectsq (}q (U meta_typeqUZ ClassqUidqUTrackerqu}q(hUExternal MethodqhU addTrackerqu}q(hU DTML MethodqhUaddTrackerFormqu}q(hUZope PermissionqhUaddTrackerPermqu}q(hU Zope FactoryqhUfTrackerqutUtitleqUh(U q(U App.Factoryq UFactoryq!tq"tq#QU addTrackerq$(U q%(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodq&UExternalMethodq'tq(tq)Qh(U q*(UApp.Permissionq+U Permissionq,tq-tq.Qh(U q/(UOFS.DTMLMethodq0U DTMLMethodq1tq2tq3Qh(U q4(UZClasses.ZClassq5UZClassq6tq7tq8Qu. T((U App.FactoryqUFactoryqtqNt.}q(UidqUfTrackerqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq ]q UOwnerq asUinitialq UaddTrackerFormq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qU_Use_Factories_PermissionqU_Add_Tracker_PermissionqsbU permissionqU Add TrackerqUtitleqUTracker FactoryqU object_typeqUTrackerqu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Uidq UREQUESTq Uinstq UdestqUtrackerqUuserqUroleqUpsqtqU co_argcountqKubh U addTrackerqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqU addTrackerqU func_defaultsq(NtqU_moduleq UTrackerMethodsq!u. ((UApp.PermissionqU PermissionqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUidqUaddTrackerPermqUnameqU Add Trackerq U__ac_local_roles__q }q Uklmq ]q UOwnerqasu. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qUaddTrackerFormqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qUrawqT

Add A Tracker

... three configuration steps remaining ...
qU_varsq}qu. ((UZClasses.ZClassqUZClassqtqNt.}q(U_zbasesq]q(cZClasses.ZClass ZObject qcProducts.TrackerBase _ZClass_for_TrackerBase qcZClasses.ObjectManager ZObjectManager q cProducts.ZCatalog _ZClass_for_ZCatalog q eU_zclass_propertysheets_classq U q QUidq UTrackerqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_zclass_qU qQUtitleqUU __ac_roles__q(UManagerqUOwnerqU AnonymousqU TrackerOwnerqU SupporterqU RequesterqU IssueOwnerqtUpropertysheetsqU q Qu. y(cExtensionClass ExtensionClass q(UTracker_PropertySheetsClassq(cZClasses.ZClass PersistentClass qcZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheets qtq}q(UiconqUU _p_changedqKU__doc__q UTracker Property Sheetsq U Configurationq (U q (UZClasses.Propertyq cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qtqtqQU__propset_attrs__q(U ConfigurationqU IssueStatesqU RequestTraitsqUStateTemplatesqU ThresholdsqtqU_p_oidqU=qU IssueStatesq(U q(h htqtqQU RequestTraitsq(U q(h htq tq!Qh(U q"(h htq#tq$QUStateTemplatesq%(U q&(h htq'tq(QU _p_serialq)U.$q*U __module__q+Nutq,t.N. &(cExtensionClass ExtensionClass q(UTrackerq(cZClasses.ZClass PersistentClass qcProducts.TrackerBase.TrackerBase TrackerBase qcZClasses.ObjectManager ObjectManager qcProducts.ZCatalog.ZCatalog ZCatalog qcOFS.SimpleItem SimpleItem qtq}q (U editMembersq cZClasses.Method MW q NRq }q U$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqttQsbUloginqh NRq}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqttQsbU pending_dueqG?U trackerprefqh NRq}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbU_p_oidq U q!Uabbrevq"UUconfigBasicFormq#h NRq$}q%h(U q&(hU DTMLMethodq'ttQsbUconfigUpdatesMaintq((U q)(UZClasses.Methodq*UMWpq+ttQU HelpSupporterq,h NRq-}q.U$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q/(U q0(hU DTMLMethodq1ttQsbUissue_maturity_statsq2h NRq3}q4U$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q5(U q6(hUExternalMethodq7ttQsbUsubscribers_may_postq8Uonq9Usupporter_activity_statsq:h NRq;}q(hUExternalMethodq?ttQsbUStateTemplates_docq@TThese properties name dynamically created issue vars. StatusVars constitute audited issue state, wired into tracker code. traits are for request characteristics, and arbitrarily changeable - completely customisable with tracker config forms. The range of values for each named var is expressed in a property named by the var appended with "_range" - eg, "stage_range", "type_range"... For traits, the "*_range" properties are useful but optional templates, while the StatusVars _ranges must exist.qAU tracker_peersqBh NRqC}qDU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_qE(U qF(hUExternalMethodqGttQsbUpeersqH]qIUaUiconqJU1Control_Panel/Products/Tracker/Tracker/ziconImageqKUnoisyqLKU urgency_rangeqM]qN(UnormalqOUhighqPUlowqQUcriticalqReUcatalogqSh NRqT}qUU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_qV(U qW(hU DTMLMethodqXttQsbUconfigActivitiesqYh NRqZ}q[U$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q\(U q](hU DTMLMethodq^ttQsbUfindAllMemberNamesq_h NRq`}qah(U qb(hUExternalMethodqcttQsbU adminaddrqdUU descriptionqeUUpunctuality_rangeqf]qg(UokqhUdueqiUoverdueqjeUsetBasicConfigFormqkh NRql}qmh(U qn(hU DTMLMethodqottQsbUtickets_start_dateqp(cDateTime.DateTime DateTime qqNoqr}qs(U_hourqtKU_dquG@zJU_fmonqvUJanuaryqwU_yearqxMU_pmonqyUJan.qzUtimeq{GU_dayq|KU_adayq}UFriq~U_tqGAF@@U _dayoffsetqKU_minuteqKU_monthqKU_pmqUamqU_secondqGU_amonqUJanqU_fdayqUFridayqU_pdayqUFri.qU_pmhourqK U_tzqU US/PacificqU_nearsecqGubUisPrincipiaFolderishqUYUpending_overdueqG?U_zclass_method_meta_typesq(}q(UproductqUmethodsqUnameqU Tracker IssueqUactionqUTrackerIssueFactoryqu}q(UproductqUmethodsqUnameqUTracker Issue ItemqUactionqUTrackerItem_factoryqu}q(hhhUtiqhU ti_factoryqu}q(UproductqUmethodsqUnameqUfoobarqUactionqUfoobar_factoryqutqUtestqh NRq}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(hU DTMLMethodqttQsbU meta_typeqUTrackerqUversionqU1.05qU tickets_maxqJUattachmentsFormRowqh NRq}qh(U q(hU DTMLMethodqttQsbUcorrespondence_rangeq]q(U caught-upqUrsvpqeUpedigreeqh NRq}qh(U q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbUaddTrackerIssueqh NRq}qh(U %q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbUstandard_tracker_headerqh NRq}qh(U q(hU DTMLMethodqttQsbUopen_subscribeqUonqUsetTrackerConfigqh NRq}qh(U q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbU lastVisibleqh NRq}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbUspecialItemKnobsqh NRq}qh(U q(hUExternalMethodqttQsbUtickets_end_dateq(hqNoq}q(htKhuG@pjhvUDecemberqhxMhyUDec.qh{Gh|Kh}UThuqhGAhKhKhK hhhGhUDecqhUThursdayqhUThu.qhK hhhGubU meta_typesq(}q(UproductqUZopeSiteqUnameqU Member FolderqUactionqU(manage_addProduct/ZopeSite/fMemberFolderqu}q(hhhUNew Site Index (ZClass)qhU%manage_addProduct/ZopeSite/fSiteIndexqu}q(hhhU STX DocumentqhU'manage_addProduct/ZopeSite/fSTXDocumentqu}q(UproductqUExternalMethodqUnameqUExternal MethodqUactionqU*manage_addProduct/ExternalMethod/methodAddqu}q(hUOFSPrhU DTML MethodrhU manage_addProduct/OFSP/methodAddru}r(hjhU DTML DocumentrhU"manage_addProduct/OFSP/documentAddru}r(hjhUImagerhUmanage_addProduct/OFSP/imageAddru}r (hjhUFiler hUmanage_addProduct/OFSP/fileAddr u}r (hU Mail Hostr hUmanage_addMailHost_formrutrUdeadline_ranger]r(UsoonrU immediaterUeventualreUconfigMemberSettingsrh NRr}rh(U r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUtraitsr]r(UtyperU componentrUplatformrUurgencyrUdeadliner eUstandard_tracker_footerr!h NRr"}r#h(U r$(hU DTMLMethodr%ttQsbUmanage_optionsr&(}r'(Ulabelr(UIssuesr)Uactionr*U index_htmlr+u}r,(Ulabelr-USubmit New Issuer.Uactionr/UsubmitIssueFormr0u}r1(Ulabelr2U Tracker Helpr3Uactionr4UHelpTrackerOverviewr5u}r6(Ulabelr7U Configurationr8Uactionr9UconfigActivitiesr:u}r;(Ulabelr<UReportsr=Uactionr>UActivityReportsr?u}r@(UlabelrAUCustom ComponentsrBUactionrCU manage_mainrDu}rE(UlabelrFUSecurityrGUactionrHU manage_accessrIutrJU tracker_rolerKh NRrL}rMh(U rN(hUExternalMethodrOttQsbUcomponent_rangerP]rQ(UcorerRUorbrSU scriptingrTUproducts/extensionsrUUdatabase adaptersrVUserversrWUsupport/trackerrXUoutreachrYeU support_levelrZUplatinumr[Umsgrolesr\]r](U correspondr^Uacceptr_Uresolver`U subscriberaUresignrbUnotercUreframerdUrejectreUdeferrfUdivertrgeUtitlerhUU __module__riU*fD7ngAGlTMt/pKFzdrf/Gg==rjUdefault_open_subscriberkUonrlU quota_statsrmh NRrn}roU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_rp(U rq(hUExternalMethodrrttQsbUHelpTrackerOverviewrsh NRrt}ruh/(U rv(hU DTMLMethodrwttQsbU elementEmblemrxh NRry}rzh(U r{(hUExternalMethodr|ttQsbU elementFilterr}h NRr~}rh(U r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbU StatusVarsr]r(UstagerUpriorityrU punctualityrUcorrespondencereU type_ranger]r(U bug reportrUfeature requestrUdocumentation requestreU index_htmlrh NRr}rh(U r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUTrackerIssueFactoryrh NRr}rh(U r(U App.FactoryrUFactoryrttQsbU uparrow.gifrh NRr}rU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_r(U r(U OFS.ImagerUImagerttQsbU HelpRequesterrh NRr}rU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_r(U r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUsupport_levelsr]r(UbronzerUsilverrUgoldrUplatinumreU issuesSearchrh NRr}rh(U r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbU TrackerIssuerh NRr}rh(U r(UZClasses.ZClassrUZClassrttQsbUhrefizerh NRr}rU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_r(U r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbUsmtphostrUzope.orgrUhtml_quote_indentedrh NRr}rh(U r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbUsetTraitValuesr(U r(h*UMWprttQUprodrh NRr}rh(U !r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbU TrackerItemrh NRr}rh(U "r(jUZClassrttQsbU date_widgetrh NRr}rh(U #r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUdefault_subscribers_may_postrUonrU supportersr]rUaUsearchFormComplexrh NRr}rh(U $r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUconfigTraitValuesFormrh NRr}rh(U r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbU _p_changedrKU__doc__rUTrackerrUtyperUtrackerrU access_moderUUHelpConfigurationrh NRr}rU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_r(U &r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUpropertysheetsrU 'rQUpriority_ranger]r(UnormalrUlowrUhighrUcriticalreUconfigAssignmentsFormrh NRr}rh(U (r(hU DTMLMethodrttQsbUonDeleteObjectrh NRr}rh(U )r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbU__ac_permissions__r)UfieldValuesRangerh NRr}rU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_r(U *r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbU text_contentrh NRr }r h(U +r (hUExternalMethodr ttQsbU _p_serialr U5_frUsmtpportrU25rU set_privacyrh NRr}rh(U ,r(hUExternalMethodrttQsbUplatform_ranger]r(UunixrUwindowsrUmacrU other (?)reUsubmitIssueFormrh NRr}rh(U -r(hU DTMLMethodr ttQsbU stage_ranger!]r"(Upendingr#Uacceptedr$Uresolvedr%Urejectedr&Udeferredr'Udivertedr(eUActivityReportsr)h NRr*}r+hE(U .r,(hU DTMLMethodr-ttQsbUreloginr.h NRr/}r0h(U /r1(hU DTMLMethodr2ttQsbUsearchFormSimpler3h NRr4}r5h(U 0r6(hU DTMLMethodr7ttQsbU ziconImager8(U 1r9(jUImager:ttQUrsvpsr;Uonr<UsetTrackerRulesr=h NRr>}r?h(U 2r@(hUExternalMethodrAttQsbutrBt.N. (U qQNtq.}q(UparentqNUcommonq(U q(UZClasses.PropertyqUZInstanceSheetsSheetqtq tq QUmethodsq (U q (UZClasses.Methodq UZClassMethodsSheetqtqtqQu. (cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qU_baseq(U 3q(UZClasses.PropertyqU ZCommonSheetq tq tq QUidq U Configurationq U'_Access_contents_information_PermissionqU_View_PermissionqU_Manage_properties_PermissionqU_Manage_Tracker_Permissionqu. (cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU IssueStatesqU_baseq(U 4q (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq tq tq Qu. (cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU RequestTraitsqU_baseq(U 5q (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq tq tq Qu. ((UZClasses.PropertyqUZInstanceSheetqtqNt.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU ThresholdsqU_baseq (U 6q (hcZClasses.Property ZCommonSheet q tq tq Qu. (cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqUStateTemplatesqU_baseq(U 7q (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq tq tq Qu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq U requesterq U acl_usersq UmemberqUattrqUnewvalqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU editMembersqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqU(membership provision)qU _functionqU editMembersqU func_defaultsq(NtqU_moduleq UTrackerMethodsq!u. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q Uloginq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqU qU_varsq}qu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uuserq Uprefq Uvalueq Udefaultq UREQUESTqUprefsqUappqU acl_usersqU prefsdictqUappdictqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU trackerprefqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqU trackerprefqU func_defaultsq (NUq!h!UNtq"U_moduleq#UTrackerMethodsq$u.  ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UconfigBasicFormq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qU_View_PermissionqU_Configure_Tracker_PermissionqsbUtitleqU Basic ConfigqUglobalsq}qUrawqT

This begins a three-step tracker configuration process , with fundamental tracker identity attributes and naming of characteristic request traits. See here for details on this stage.

Abbreviation: (Very brief - to distinguish email subjects among trackers on this host.)

Email Connection
Admin Address: >
SMTP Host: > Port: 25 >

Open vs Dedicated Mode
  In an open tracker, any site members can submit issues, and anyone at all can review existing ones. In a dedicated tracker, only designated visitors can review and submit issues (details).
Mode: CHECKED >  Open Open CHECKED >  Dedicated Dedicated

Issue Subscribers
  Non-supporter tracker visitors can participate in issues without being the requester if you allow an open subscription policy. The policy can be overrident for individual issues from within those issues.
Subscribing: CHECKED> Disabled > Disable CHECKED> Enabled > Enable - Are regular visitors by default allow to subscribe to issues?
Posting: CHECKED> Prohibited > Prohibit CHECKED> Allowed > Allow - Can subscribers by default post messages, or just get notified about new ones?

Noisy mode
  Regular trackers cut non-subscribing supporters out of the correspondence loop once one of them accepts an issue. "Noisy" trackers continue to notify all supporters about all correspondence. Toggle this setting to change the behavior of all issues, even already existing ones. (details).
Broadcast: CHECKED > Regular Regular CHECKED > Noisy Noisy

Request Trait Fields
  Use your own, and/or the sample ones. On the next form you'll fill in the candidate values. (The samples have example candidates.)
Trait Fields:

Submit proceeds to next step: Traits
Which is followed by: Assignments ...
qU_varsq}qu. T((UZClasses.MethodqUMWpqtqNt.(U q(UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqttQ. y((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUTracker Supporter HelpqUrawqT

Supporter Actions

Most supporter actions are done through posting followups to an issue. The supporter chooses the particular action from among the "Action" radio buttons on the message submit form. The available choices are tailored to the visitor's role in the issue - see the table, below.

Among other things, the message action determines whether or not the item will be included in the issue summary. For regular (non-confidential) issues, the summary is visible to the general public. It includes synopses of all those messages whose actions change the stage of an issue, and also messages that were submitted with the "Note" action. Other correspondence - the default action, "Plain" - is not included in the summary, and is just between the supporters and requester.

See the topic concerning issue corresondence for more details about who receives what correspondence.

Action From/To Stage Who? * To Summary? Purpose / Notes



No change



Correspond with parties to issue / Not distinguished in issue summary


Pending, Deferred




Claim ownership of an issue / Other supporters exempted from further issue correspondence

Kibitz / Subscribe

Pending, Deferred, Accepted

No change



Join in an issue / Only when not already involved


Any but pending

No change



Abandon ownership of issue you own / Not offered when not involved or only supporter



No change



Item for summary that doesn't affect stage


Accepted, Pending




Conclude issue satisfying requester / If accepted, only owners (acceptor or staff subscribers) can resolve


Accepted, Pending




Dismiss issue without resolution / Same as note as for resolve


Accepted, Pending




Table this issue until whenever / Same as resolve note



No change



Rephrase title/description and/or change traits / For when the requester wasn't quite clear or accurate






Include the subsuming issue as the first of the references / Same as resolve note

* Who? column is one of: Anyone - anyone able to visit the issue, Involved - requester or tracker staff, Owners - supporter(s) who have accepted responsibility for the issue, Staff - supporters and tracker owner.)

(Occasionally supporters need to send messages that are not exposed the requester or to the public at large. You do this by checking the "Staff eyes only?" box (beside the message subject input field). However, items posted to the summary cannot be staff-eyes-only, and action items (and notes) are posted to the summary - by default. To submit a private action item, check the staff-eyes-only box and the don't-post-to-summary box, found beside the Action input selection.)

The stage (and other issue state settings) can be forced using the entries on the issue's "Edit State" tab. Some state transitions are inhibited (by default, going to pending from any other stages).

qU__ac_local_roles__q }q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq}qU__name__qU HelpSupporterqU_varsq}qu. Q((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Utrackersq Ustagesq Ugotq Uheaderq U totaldictqUlegendqUperiodqUsUnowqUissuesqUcriteriaqUtUcUagesqUiUtallyqU periodtotalqUtotalqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUissue_maturity_statsqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU_permissionMapperq!cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q"NRq#}q$U_View_Permissionq%U_View_Permissionq&sbUtitleq'UU func_defaultsq(NU _functionq)Uissue_maturity_statsq*U_moduleq+UTrackerMethodsq,u. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Utrackersq U supportersq Utotalsq UtUcatalogq U dedicatedqUstartqUendqUnowqUcriteriaqUsUlevelqUrecqUlevtotqUtottotqUsuptotqUiUstagesqUaddqUslistqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUsupporter_activity_statsqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq!]q"UOwnerq#asUtitleq$UU _functionq%Usupporter_activity_statsq&U func_defaultsq'NU_moduleq(UTrackerMethodsq)u. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Upeersq UREQUESTq Usplitq UtrackerqUissueqUitemqUherepathqU set_peersqUiUpsqUgotqUgotidsqUgotobjsqUpU branchpointqUmsgqUoUtbobjqUtbmsgqUtbqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU tracker_peersqU__ac_local_roles__q }q!Uklmq"]q#UOwnerq$asUtitleq%UU _functionq&U tracker_peersq'U func_defaultsq((NNcAqueductDA.sqltest split q)tq*U_moduleq+UTrackerMethodsq,u. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqT Catalog info (see Updates Maintenance for catalog reassessment):
  • :
qU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qU__name__qUcatalogqU_varsq}qu. b((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UconfigActivitiesq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qU_View_PermissionqU#_View_management_screens_PermissionqsbUtitleqU Tracker Configuration ActivitiesqUglobalsq}qUrawqT The configuration activities (details) proceed from one to the next.
Activity Description  
Basic Configuration Pending! Tracker configuration incomplete until this is finished. Set fundamental tracker operation settings and name the trait categories by which requesters qualify their issues. Help
Traits and Supporters Pending! Tracker configuration incomplete until this is finished. Enumerate values of a variety of tracker settings, including designating the supporters and specifying the ranges of issue trait values. Help
Request Routing Assignments Associate specific supporters with specific issue trait values, for new issue notifications. (There is nothing to do here if none of the traits were selected for notification routing in the Traits and Supporters activity.) Help
Member Settings Adjust tracker personnel (supporter and requester) email and fullname settings.
Updates Maintenance Adjust tracker issue indexes and other structural assessments, in the face of upgrades or unexpected drift.
Catalog Management Assess and interact with tracker's catalog structure.
qU_varsq}qu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Uceilingq Uobjq Uusersq U had_acl_usersqU acl_usersqUgotqUitU co_argcountqKubUidqUfindAllMemberNamesqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUfindAllMemberNamesqU func_defaultsq(NtqU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu.  U((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UsetBasicConfigFormq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqTa

Specify request trait fields - use a plural to designate the range of values, paired with a singular used for actual settings. On the next form you'll fill in the candidate values. (The prepackaged examples have corresponding candidates.)
Trait Fields:

Select supporters. In the final form you will assign specific supporters to specific request traits.

  ... two more config step: values then assignments ...
qU_varsq}qu. E((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qUtestqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qUrawqU tracker_role(this(), 'Anonymous', REQUEST): qU_varsq}qu. 8((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqTr Some table rows providing form file input fields. References:
Include (issue)[item] and/or absolute url references, one per line (no HTML). When diverting, include the target issue as the first reference.
Attachments: >
File     Title (if different than file name)
qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q UattachmentsFormRowq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qo}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq U__traceback_info__q U structureq Ugotq tq U co_argcountqKubUidqUpedigreeqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqUpedigreeqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. %((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq U__traceback_info__q Utrackerq UissueqUissueidqU requesterqUpsqtU co_argcountqKubUidqUaddTrackerIssueqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqUaddTrackerIssueq U func_defaultsq!(Ntq"U_moduleq#UTrackerMethodsq$u. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}q (U'_Access_contents_information_Permissionq U_View_Permissionq U_View_Permissionq U_View_Permissionq ubU__name__qUstandard_tracker_headerqUglobalsq}qUrawqUt qU_varsq}qu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq Upsq tU co_argcountq KubUidqUsetTrackerConfigqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqUsetTrackerConfigqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. N((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Useqq UREQUESTq Uitq U co_argcountq KubUidqU lastVisibleqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqU lastVisibleqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qo}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq UREQUESTq U requesterq Uroleq U directionq tqU co_argcountqKubUidqUspecialItemKnobsqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqUspecialItemKnobsqU func_defaultsq(NtU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsq u. y((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU(membership provision)qUrawqT A kludge to make it easy to assign email addresses to staff and clients that are new site members - particularly in the absence of membership, where the fields may be unset.

A supporter or supporters are missing email settings. Such entries will be marked with a '**' flag and a user ID in red.

Bonafide managers can assign member settings here. You create new users using the /manage_main"> acl_users management interface. The IDs of supporters will be either green or red - red to alert you to the lack of an email address for the supporter.

If you were in the midst of configuring the tracker and are done setting supporter email and full name settings, you can continue with the final tracker configuration step new issue routing assignments.

ID Fullname Email
Invalid user ''

Barring invalid entries, submit proceeds to ">the next configuration step
... or you can instead return to the Return to the
Trait/Values form

qU__ac_local_roles__q }q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUconfigMemberSettingsqU_varsq}qu. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_varsq}qU__name__qUstandard_tracker_footerq Uglobalsq }q Urawq U

q U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Urolesq UREQUESTq Uuserq U categoriesqU candidatesqUitU co_argcountqKubUidqU tracker_roleqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU func_defaultsq(NNtqU _functionqU tracker_roleq U_moduleq!UTrackerMethodsq"u. ((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Ustatq Uexpiredq Utrackerq UissueqUitemqUsRqUcriteriaqU dedicatedqUnowqUstartqUendqUresolvedqUresultqUgotqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU quota_statsqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]q UOwnerq!asUtitleq"UU _functionq#U quota_statsq$U func_defaultsq%(Ktq&U_moduleq'UTrackerMethodsq(u. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUTracker OverviewqUrawqT

Zope Tracker Overview

The Zope Tracker conducts web-based support and development dialogues, organizing the flow and artifacts of the correspondence. This page presents a general purpose client-oriented overview:

(Tracker administrators may want to visit the tracker configuration help, and supporters may be seeking support-specific help.)

Tracker Elements

Any number of distinct trackers can be created within a single Zope site. Each Tracker has its own administrator, with overriding configuration privileges including, among other things, the ability to designate specific supporters - tracker staff responsible for satisfying requests - and the mode by which site users are allowed to submit (request) and browse existing issues. In Open operating mode, trackers admit all Zope site users. In Dedicated mode, the tracker only admits browsing and requests from designated users.

Tracker Issues

Individual tracker dialogues are known as issues. An issue is basically a container for messages between the issue requester and suporters about the issue, known as items. When submitting an issue, the requester selects issue traits which characterize their request. The ranges of traits are configured by the tracker administrator, tailored for the tracker's subject domain.

See also the discussion about browsing the issue overview page, below.

The process of tracker issues.

The lifetime of a tracker issue proceeds in stages, from their initiation as requests at start to one of a variety of conclusions. These stages reflect the issue's current status with respect to attention from supporters:

Stage Due To Action Description


Issue Submission

Awaiting supporter attention


Supporter Accept

In-process - one or more supporter has claimed responsibility


Supporter Resolve

Completed - these counts against ticket quota, if any.


Supporter Reject
Requester Cancel

Concluded without resolution, does not count against any quota. (Requester can cancel only while their issue is in the 'pending' stage.)


Supporter Defer

Put aside until whenever


Supporter Divert

Subsumed into another issue

An issue starts its life with submission by a member of the tracker's community. (Trackers can operate so they are open to all comers, or can be restricted to designated clients - see here for more details.) The issue can be submitted using the "Submit New Issue" tab in the tracker's web interface or via email.

When submitting via the web, the requester selects trait values to characterize the issue. The requester's identity and email addres are obtained from their membership settings, which they can override in the submit form, and they can include attachments using their browser's file-upload mechanism.

When submitting via email, the requester can use leading lines of the body, followed by a blank line, to specify the "trait: value" pairs that characterize the issue. (The requester then receives an email acknowledging receipt of the issue, and instructions for replying to that receipt so as to set any traits that they failed to specify in their initial submission.)

The issue is submitted using the "Submit New Issue" tab in the tracker's web interface. The requester selects trait values which characterize the issue. The requester's identity and email addres are obtained from their membership settings, which they can override in the submit form, and they can include attachments using their browser's file-upload mechanism.

The arrival of a new issue triggers dispatch of email notices describing the issue to concerned supporters - that is, supporters configured by the tracker admin to be concerned with the characteristic traits specified by the requester. There may be no traits sensitivity, in which case all supporters are notified, or a lot of sensitivity, for fine-grained routing of issues to relevant supporters. (If all supporters are disqualified by trait sensitivity, then the tracker admin receives the notices, with indication that no other supporters qualified.)

Once the issue is submitted it exists on the tracker in the pending stage, until one of the supporters accepts responsibility for the issue. The requester and supporters can followup to the issue, and others can subscribe to it, to be included in the notification loop. The notices are sent to supporters, the requester, and subscribers, with routing as it was for the new issue notification.

Followups can be submitted via the web interface, which we describe in detail below, or via email using the issue's emblem to uniquely identify it. Followups are be submitted via the web interface, which we describe in detail below.

Correspondence in an issue is threaded, each item tracking the messages that it follows from, and followups to it. These threads can be viewed and traversed in the issue summary view and in the individual messages.

At any point one of the site's members designated by the tracker administrator as supporters can submit a message that acceptsthe pending issue, taking responsibility for addressing it. They also can take other actions, even resolving/rejecting/whatevering the issue directly from the pending state. See the table for the complete set of available actions and their context.

When a supporter accepts or otherwise changes the stage of the issue, all other relevant supporters are notified of the fact, and subsequent notifications are confined to the requester, subscribers/kibitzers, and the accepting supporter. Multiple supporters can accept, and supporters can resign from an issue so long as at least one other supporter has accepted/is kibitzing the issue.

Eventually the supporter(s) completes the issue - by, eg, resolving or rejecting it, by diverting it to an already existing issue, or by deferring it indefinitely for later attention. At this point the issue is effectively concluded - it does not show up in the default browse/search page, which covers pending and accepted issues. It can be reactivated, and parties to the issue can still correspond in it, but it off the actives landscape, and only gets attention when someone is specifically seeking it out.

This synopsis only covered the essentials of an issues life, leaving out nuances like privacy or issue browsing and presentation - that all is included in the ensuing documentation, below.

Tracker Issue Items

Tracker items convey issue correspondence and also are vehicles for actions affecting its stage. Actions that supporters take with respect to an issue - accepting responsibility for it, marking it resolved, combining it with another issue, etc. - are effected by submitting new items.

See also the discussion about browsing issue items, below.

Tracker element references - Element Emblems.

There are many situations in a tracker where concise references are made to specific issues and items - often with links to the objects. The tracker has formalisms for presenting these references, so you can easily recognize them and unambiguously enter references between elements, where appropriate. These terms are known as tracker element emblems.

Issue and item emblems are presented with one or another kind of bracket pairs around the serial ID of the element.


Issues are presented with the ID in parentheses.


Items have their IDs in square brackets.


A full emblem includes the issue and item emblems adjacent and in that order, and may include the tracker abbreviation.


Privacy of an issue or item (whether or not the privacy excludes you) is indicated by doubling the respective brackets. If you are not privileged to view the element, then the emblem will not be an active link.


In order for the tracker to recognize emblems you enter (as references, or in item title or description text), you must include both pairs of brackets, with no intervening spaces - use an empty pair of square brackets for the item number if you're referring to the issue as a whole.

Interacting with a Tracker

Interacting with trackers entails two primary kinds of activities:


You are browsing issues as soon as you enter a tracker. The browsing interface is actually a view into an ongoing search. The default search is shows currently active issues. You can adjust the search with the simple form at the bottom of the page, and toggle to an advanced form for more elaborate searching. (You can bookmark the results of your searching to preserve a search for later continuation.)

Before going into the details of browsing we need to present a common interface feature of all tracker pages - the tab menus at the top of every page.

General Feature - The Element Tab Menus

At the top of every tracker page is a tab-style menu of activities for the element of the tracker that you're viewing. (This tab arrangement will be familiar if you're acquainted with Zope's management interface.) The leftmost tab goes to the view of the element. Every view's tabs includes one for submitting a new issue. The selection of tabs within an element varies according to the role of the visitor - tracker staff see more tabs than the general public, offering supporter-specific functions, and in some places the tracker admin sees yet a few more.

The Top Level View - Issues Index

The top level view of the tracker - the entrance - is a combined browsing/searching view of the tracker's existing issues. From here, visitors can:

  • Browse through existing issues
  • Use the search interface to focus the browsing
  • Use links in the table of issues to visit specific ones (where involved parties can submit new correspondence)
  • Use the Submit New Issue tab at the top to, well, submit a new issue.

The layout of the page, from top to bottom, consists of:

  • The tracker-level tabs
  • Some text describing the particular tracker and the purpose of the page
  • A tabular overview of issues satisfying the current search
  • A search form (simple by default, you can click for a more thorough - and more elaborate - alternate)

The issues overview table has a brief entry for all issues satisfying the search criteria, presented in batches. (The default search excludes resolved and discarded issues, showing only currently active or pending ones. The presentation also excludes issues for which you do not have view privileges - private issues to which you are not a party.)

When viewing a lot of issues, the overview table presents them in sequential batches, with controls at the top and bottom of the table to control batch size and move backward ("<<< Prior") and forward ("Next >>>") within the batches. You can set the batch size using an input box that sits between the navigation buttons. (A check-box enables you to retain the batch size setting as your personal default for your ongoing tracker browsing.)

Entries in the Overview

Each issues-overview entry has emblem links to the overview of each individual issue and to the most recent message item in the issue. The issue links are in the ID and Title fields, and the most-recent message link is in the Last Msg field. (The Last Msg link is a convenient shortcut for involved parties to continue the correspondence.)

Here's the scoop on all the ordinary fields:

ID (a link to the issue)
The serial number of the issue, by which it is identified. Issue ids are presented in parentheses. The parentheses are doubled to indicate that the issue is private, and the link is disabled if you are not privileged to view the issue.
Title / Description, also a link to the issue.
The title and, on the following line in grey, a brief excerpt from the issue description. This area can also contain the references and attachments links, if any.
The user who submitted the request and time it was submitted.
Last Msg, a link to the item.
The most recent item in the issue. Convenient shortcut for requester and issue owners to conduct correspondence. Item IDs are presented in square brackets, which are doubled (as is done with the issue parens). The date is also indicated when it is different than that of the request.
The current disposition of the issue - see above for details on the various stages. The supporter responsible for the issue, if any, is indicated.
The requester-selected traits characterizing the issue.

Tracker staff see some additional fields.

Searching for Issues

Tracker searches restrict attention among the existing tracker issues.

Search results are those issues that satisfy all of the fields you've selected - effectively an 'and' across the selected fields. Fields in which you made no selection are ignored for that search, to the point where no selections at all yields all the viewable issues. The standard search you get on entering a tracker shows all issues in the 'pending' or 'accepted' stages - those not yet claimed by a supporter, or only claimed, not yet concluded.

The default search is fairly simple - you can do a text query over issue text content, plus a selection-based query over the issue stages. (Once again, tracker staff have a few additional options.)

Using an advanced search form, opened using a button in the simple search, and vice versa, you can restrict the search according to more particular issue characteristics, like date, requester, user-selected traits, and so forth. Both searches have similar controls. Here's how the different field selection types work:

Text input boxes
Text input boxes are for searches across issue text content - the constituent item's titles and descriptions. The search terms are taken as keywords into the text content, with some special provisions:
  • Terms can be joined within " double quotes to denote literal phrases
  • Terms can be grouped into composite terms using ( and ) parens, and...
  • Terms can be joined using the tokens and and or for boolean searches.
Selection boxes
Choosing any of the entries in a field's selection box restricts the search to issues that have any of the selected values for that field - effectively, an or within the field.
The advanced search offers date ranges, to search for issues with messages submitted within selected dates. It uses a combination of month/day/year selection boxes together with radio buttons to target issues having any activity since and/or before the specified dates. Using these controls you can select for all issues with correspondence occurring since a date, until another date, or between two dates.
The Issue View

The Issue Summary presents an overview of the history and specifics of an issue. It presents abbreviated versions of all the important correspondence in the issue. The summary has all the important characteristics of the items - the sender, date, action associated with the message, etc - and the title and first several lines of the item descriptions. The tags for each entry are links to the specific items - the item pages contain the full text of the messages, and also have the fors for posting followups.

There may be other, incidental correspondence in an issue - that is presented only to the requester and tracker staff, below the issue summary.

You typically get to an issue summary either from the first links in the Issues Index table entries, or by appending the ID of the issue, after a '/' slash, on the URL for the tracker. Some other common avenues are links upwards from the items, which are "contained" by the issue summary, and cross-reference links from other tracker elements.

You use the issue summary entry link (for example, "Request[1]" to travel to individual items.

The Issue Item View

Issue Items represent individual messages and actions in an issue's life. The item view presents the specifics of the item - who sent it and when, the action it conveys, if any, its title and (full) description, the items to which it is a reply and subsequent replies to it, if any. It also indicates some key characteristics of the containing issue.

For participants in the issue - the requester and relevant tracker staff - the item also includes a form for posting followups to the item, and a link to a form for submitting new items starting separate threads in the issue.

Items are commonly visited using links included in new-item email notifications, or via links from the issue summary or issues index. Items are contained by their issues, and their URLs are those of their issue with a '/' slash and the serial number of the item appended.

Correspondence within tracker issue

All tracker interaction is conducted with messages submitted via the web or via email.

All tracker interaction is conducted via the web. Notifications about new and overdue responses are posted to the issue and sent to the involved parties via email.

Emailed Notifications

The tracker notifies all issue participants about new messages via email. All user input to a tracker is entered via the web. The tracker does use email, however to distribute the particulars of new messages to the participants in an issue.

The notices include URLs for the item and any attachments or references included in the item, convenient in many contemporary mail readers for pointing your browser at these components. The notices also include the actual text of the item - title and description - as well as characterizing data like the submitter, issue traits, and so forth.

The initial notifications are sent to the requester and any supporters designated by the tracker administrator as having interest in the issue, according to the traits the requester selected for the issue. When a supporter claims responsibility for an issue then the issue's requester and other relevant supporters are notified, but from then on the set of notice recipients is confined to the requester and the supporter(s) who claimed responsibility for the issue - the issue owner(s).

(The tracker prototype does not currently accept incoming emails for issue correspondence.)

Submitting New Issues

When you have an issue you'd like to register with a tracker you fill out and submit the new issue form or you send email to the tracker. (The form for this tracker is located here. This form is reachable from the Submit New Issue tab found at the top of every tracker page.)

The user submitting the issue becomes the issue requester. The requester receives notifications about new correspondence in the issue and, except when submitting from the anonymous user account, the requester can followup through the life of the issue.

(Submitting issues under the auspices of the anonymous user is discouraged, and sacrifices certain privileges that depend on confident identification of the issue requester. In particular, anonymous users cannot submit confidential issues, and they cannot followup in ensuing correspondence about the issue. They do receive email notifications of new messages from the supporters, if they register their email address in the space provided on the submit form - see below.)

Here are the details, proceeding through the fields on the form:

Issue requesters are identified by their user id (unless requesting using the anonymous account, which is discouraged - see above). Issue correspondence, by default, is conducted with their registered email address. The requester can specify an alternate address to be used within that issue by changing the value in the Email text input box in the submit form. Followup forms have the same provision, so requesters can vary their email address over the course of an issue, useful, for instance, if they're in the process of changing locations.

(The input boxes also provide the means to identify yourself when submitting from the anonymous user account. Submitting as the anonymous user forfeits any positive authentication on which good, cohesive correspondence depends, sacrificing followup and privacy privileges. Usually we strongly prefer that you submit issues from an authenticated login.)


Trackers are configured with sets of issue traits by which requesters characterize their issues within the subject domain of the tracker. Characterizing your issue with suitable traits can help ensure that your request gets the right attention - the tracker admin can route supporter notification of new issues based on the issue trait settings, and in general people mining a tracker for information can use the traits to focus their searches.


This is where you spell out the details of your request. It's often important to find the balance between concise - direct and to the point - and complete. It can be crucial to provide enough information to help your supporters pinpoint the answer without hiding the crucial bits in extraneous details.


The contents of this box will be appended to your description, separated by a newline. If you check the Retain as personal default check-box, the value you set will be filled in automatically in subsequent use of any tracker on the site.


This is a slot for linking to incidental resources relevant to your request. You include one entry per line. URLs and element emblems are recognized as such, and presented as html links in the issue. (The first reference plays a special role when diverting an issue - redirecting it to another one. It must be the emblem for the issue to which you're redirecting - the tracker uses it to do the bookkeeping to link the issues together.) The references you register are also included in a prominent place, as URLs, in the emailed notifications.


The is a pair of file-upload slots for including external materials - patches, image files, non text documents, whatever - within the request object. They use your browser's file upload capability. The attachment name will be that of the trailing file-name component of the uploaded file, unless you specify an alternate name to use in the the corresponding title slot.

Continuing correspondence about your issues

Requesters and supporters conduct ongoing correspondence about issues, organized as correspondence threads. The crucial items in the correspondence are collected in the issue summary. This includes the key items, like the initial request, the item in which a supporter accepts responsibility for the issue, and the eventual conclusion of it. Other correspondence - often incidental exchanges - is visible only to the requester and to tracker staff.

Note that only the issue requester and tracker staff are privileged and able to enter correspondence in an issue.

Parties to an issue and tracker staff followup to an item by visiting the item. There are many ways to get there, including:

  • Following the links in the email notifications.
  • Visiting the tracker index, finding the issue in question, and using the Last Msg shortcut to get to the most recent item.
  • Visiting the containing issue (eg, from the index) and using the Most recent message shortcut located on the upper right corner of the page.
  • When dealing with other than the most recent item, using the other links in the issue summary (or the links in the "Other Correspondence" section, below the summary).
  • Using the URL - the item's is that of the tracker, followed by a '/' and the serial number of the issue, then another '/' and the serial number of the item.

When you followup to an item your new message follows the original in its correspondence thread. You can also start a new thread, separate from the existing reply chains, by using one of the "Start a New Thread" links, found in the issue summary and in the items.

The forms for submitting new items are similar to those for submitting new issues, with a few additions:

Supporters can invoke several other actions with their issues - they should consult the support-specific help for details.

qU__ac_local_roles__q }q (Uklmq ]q UOwnerq aU superuserq]qUOwnerqauUglobalsq}qU__name__qUHelpTrackerOverviewqU_varsq}qu. 2((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Uissue_idq Uitem_idq Unolinkq UcompleteqU forcelinkqUREQUESTqU candidateqUidsqUtrackerqUissueqUitemqUgotqUissuegotqUitemgotqUprivateqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU elementEmblemqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq ]q!UOwnerq"asU_permissionMapperq#cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q$NRq%}q&bUtitleq'UU _functionq(U elementEmblemq)U func_defaultsq*(NNKKKNtq+U_moduleq,UTrackerMethodsq-u. 2((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Useqq Urefineq Uattrq UtraitsqUnegateqU unpromotedqUvisonlyqUREQUESTqUwidenqU candidatesqUpromotesqUgotqUiU qualifiesqUcuridqtqU co_argcountqK ubUidqU elementFilterqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]q UOwnerq!asU_permissionMapperq"cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q#NRq$}q%bUtitleq&UU func_defaultsq'(NUnarrowq(NNKNKNtq)U _functionq*U elementFilterq+U_moduleq,UTrackerMethodsq-u. 3((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}q bU__name__q U index_htmlq Uglobalsq }q UrawqTB2 Tracker index_html We do massive preparation of search criteria. We may be coming in from elsewhere - a fresh start - or we may be cycling back one of the search buttons at the bottom. Then there's some massaging of traits, etc. Prime search settings with refine_defaults, according to whether we're: - coming in from elsewhere - fresh, init from defaults - doing simple search - retain simple settings, default the others - doing elaborate search - retain all settings - "default" search button was hit - reinit from defaults Prime search criteria with batch settings. Prime search criteria with date info. Prime search criteria with trait settings. Check for proper tracker configuration and report prospective problems. DO THE SEARCH.
        <!--#var meta_type-->   Issue Tracker

Below are existing issues, filtered according to the search settings at the bottom of the page.
  To visit one of the existing issues, click on the ID or title. To go directly to the most recent message in the issue (for details, or to respond to it), click on the identifier in the last-message column.
  To submit a new issue, click here, or use the tab at the top of the page.
  For more background and instructions, visit the Tracker overview .

NOTE! This tracker is incompletely configured, which may lead to malfunction. The following needs to be configured (by tracker staff): Basic Config and Traits Config


Matching Issue of Matching Issues ( Total - = 0"> remaining tickets of allotted through service scheduled through )
( Retain batch size as personal default)
Zero zilch no matching issues.
qU_varsq}qu. ((U App.FactoryqUFactoryqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUidqUTrackerIssueFactoryqUinitialqUsubmitIssueFormq U object_typeq U Tracker Issueq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbu. ((U OFS.ImageqUImageqtqNt.}q(UsizeqKUdataqUGIF89a!!!111999JJJccckkk{{{!,P $di22#$. "LB8᠀!Iq lIr B@ q.y BbjmB;qU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asU__name__q U uparrow.gifqU content_typeqU image/gifqUtitleqUU preconditionqUUwidthqU16qUheightqU16qu. ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qU HelpRequesterqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qUrawqT

Requester Correspondence

Under Construction

Requesters can followup to existing issue threads, by replying to items, or start new theads (by following the link in the middle of the issue summary or the item page). Typically these followups are not included in the issue summary. On those occasions when you have a landmark that warrants inclusion in the summary, select the "Note" action.

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Prod the current environment

(item) (_ attr) (this() attr) (indirect this() attr) <>
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Advanced Issues Search (details)
Title/Description (details)
value="" >
Issue activity (details)
Since: CHECKED >
Until: CHECKED >
Access: CHECKED > Public
CHECKED > Private
Issue Traits:
qU_varsq}qu. $((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UconfigTraitValuesFormq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qU_View_PermissionqU_Configure_Tracker_PermissionqsbUtitleqUTraits and Clients ConfigqUglobalsq}qUrawqT#

Trait/Values Configuration

Specify dedicated tracker attributes - members privileged to submit and browse as clients requests, their collective quota of requests, and the time span within which that quota applies. (For tracker operation without these restrictions, return to the basic config form and select 'open' access mode, instead of 'dedicated'.)

Here you select the members who field the requests as support staff, the members to whom this tracker is dedicated, and the range of values for each of your request trait fields - one value per line. See here for help.

Tracker Supporters
  Specify supporters - members responsible for fielding requests.
Supporters: 100"> (Visit configMemberSettings to assign supporter fullnames and email addresses.)

  If this were a dedicated tracker, you would designate here those members privileged to submit and browse as clients requests, their collective quota of requests, and the time span within which that quota applies. In open trackers, no such restrictions apply. To switch to dedicated mode, return to the basic config form and select 'dedicated' access mode, instead of 'open'.
Clients and Request Quota: Clients 100">
Service Request Quota
Support Level: CHECKED>
Allotted Number:
... requests to resolve
within service period
Negative for no limit.
Service Start:
Service End:

Traits Elaboration
  Fill or adjust trait values, and check the boxes by traits you will use to distinguish which supporters are notified for which requests. In the next form you will use those traits to target supporter notifications about new requests depending on the request trait settings.

Requester Check the Requester box if you wish to target request notifications according to who submitted the request. This is disabled until Supporter Assignments form handles large site membership.

Submit proceeds to last config step: Supporter Assignments
One preceeding step: Basic ...
qU_varsq}qu. &&R((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU"Tracker Configuration InstructionsqU__name__qUHelpConfigurationqU__ac_local_roles__q }q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq}qUrawqT~%

Tracker Configuration Instructions


When creating a tracker, do so with the identity of the user you want to be the tracker owner. That user will have configuration and other special privileges in the tracker. (Once the tracker is created you can use the Security tab/local roles setting page to endow others with the TrackerOwner role, if you need to delegate or transfer those privileges.)

After creating a tracker, configuration is a three-step process. The tracker owner proceeds into it immediately on creating the tracker, and can reenter it at any time via the configuration tab (that only the tracker owner sees) at the top of the main tracker page. Each configuration activity page contains some instructions. This help page includes an overview of the activities, plus some further details.

Stage Details

Basic Configuration (See the form...)

Here is where you set the fundamental tracker operation settings, and you name the trait categories by which requesters qualify their issues.

  • Id - the object management id for the tracker - you can change it from the management interface of the folder containing the tracker, not from inside the tracker itself.
  • Title - A terse descriptive title for the tracker.
  • Abbreviation - An extremely terse distinctive abbreviation for the tracker. Email notifications will use this at the beginning of the message subject lines to identify the tracker, so as brief as possible while providing some cue is in order here.
  • Description - Brief presentation of the tracker's purpose - this will be displayed at the top of the issues overview page.
  • Admin Address - Where to send email for tracker administrative business, including notifications gone awry, public contact, etc.
  • SMTP Host / Port - The host and inet socket port where SMTP email for this tracker is dispatched.
  • Mode - Trackers operate in open or dedicated access mode. The access mode determines whether the tracker is open to all comers or only to designated clients.
    • In an open tracker anyone with site membership can submit issues, and anyone at all can review existing ones. Open trackers are convenient for fielding requests in a diverse community, particularly with community-staffed trackers.
    • A dedicated tracker is intended to serve specific clients, so that only they (and tracker staff) can review existing issues and submit new ones. Dedicated trackers provide dedicated support to the clients.
  • Trait Fields - The categories of attributes by requesters qualify their issues. The ranges of values within each category you designate are set in the Values Configuration stage.

Values Configuration (See the form...)

This is where you enumerate the values of a variety of tracker settings. This includes special member roles - identifying supporters, and, if the tracker is running in dedicated mode, clients - and issue trait values. (From here you can get to a form to specify user account's email and name settings, as well.)

  • Supporters - Identify the users responsible for (and privileged to) field issues. If you designate any supporters that do not have an email address registered for them, you will stop at the Member Info Settings form before proceeding to the next stage, to fill in the addresses.
  • Clients and Request Quota (Dedicated tracker only) - Designate:
    • Members with privileges to access a dedicated tracker.
    • Support level - Support policy level.
    • Allotted number - Total number of requests available to the customer within the service period. Specify a negative number for no limit.
    • Service Start/End - The dates within which the customer's quota of requests is available.
  • Traits Elaboration - Here you enumerate the trait values associated with the trait categories specified on the basic config form. You also set checkboxes to identify those fields to be used for routing new issue notifications to supporters - the actual routing-by-setting choices are made on the next form.

Supporter Assignments (See the form...)

This is where you associate specific supporters with specific issue trait values, for new issue notifications. (There is nothing to do here if you did not check any of the Traits Elaboration text-boxes in the Values Configuration form.)

By assigning specific request trait values to a supporter, that supporter receives notifications about those new issues having those settings. If no supporters are identified as relevant for a particular request, the notices for that request are directed to the tracker administrator.

Selecting traits is a way of narrowing the range of issues for which supporter receives new-request email notices. Not selecting any of a supporter's values for a particular trait means the supporter's relevance for receiving notices disregards that trait. Furthermore, not selecting any values for any of a supporter's traits means that supporter will receive notices for all new requests.

Traits that have many values have a special first entry - <Invert>. Selecting <Invert> means that the supporter is disqualified by the selected values, rather than qualified by them. This makes it easy to disqualify a supporter for just a few values of some extensive trait.

Member Info Settings (See the form...)

The tracker needs an email address for all issue participants, for correspondence about the issues. People submitting issues can set and change this kind of info in the submission (and followup) process. Supporters, however, may need to receive email notifications of new issues before they go through the submission process. This form enables the tracker administrator to specify the email addresses when the assign new supporters. It is automatically visited whenever on submission of the Values Configuration form if there are supporters lacking an email address. Also, there is a link to this form from that page, which you can use at any time.

On the form, supporter IDs are highlighted with either a green or a red font - red to alert you to the lack of an email address for the supporter. The email-lacking supporter entries are also distinguished with a pair of ** asterisks, to make it easy to search for such entries amid a large collection of users.

qU_varsq}qu. '(U qQNtq.}q. (((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UconfigAssignmentsFormq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qU_View_PermissionqU_Configure_Tracker_PermissionqsbUtitleqUAssignments ConfigurationqUglobalsq}qUrawqT

Category/Supporter Assignments

Assign specific request trait values to each supporter. The supporter will receive notifications about new issues that have those settings. If no supporters are identified as relevant for a particular request, the notices for that request are directed to the tracker administrator.

No traits or supporters selected for assignment. No traits selected for assignment. All supporters will receive all new-request notices. No supporters selected for assignment. The tracker admin will receive all requests.

If this is not what you intended, you can return to the Basic Configuration form or the Trait/Values form and check the boxes of the traits you want to use. Otherwise, you can just proceed to the configured tracker.

Selecting traits is a way of narrowing the range of issues for which supporter receives new-request email notices. Not selecting any of a supporter's values for a particular trait means the supporter's relevance for receiving notices disregards that trait. Furthermore, not selecting any values for any of a supporter's traits means that supporter will receive notices for all new requests.

Traits that have many values have a special first entry - <Invert>. Selecting <Invert> means that the supporter is disqualified by the selected values, rather than qualified by them. This makes it easy to disqualify a supporter for just a few values of some extensive trait.

For more details on the tracker configuration process in general, see here . See here for some more explanation of this configuration stage.

Who Requesters

Submit proceeds to main page.
Prior config step: Traits and Members
Before that: Basic
qU_varsq}qu. )((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qo}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq UiUjtq U co_argcountq KubUidq UonDeleteObjectq U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqUtrackerOnDeleteObjectqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. *((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Ufieldq U precedenceq Uincludeq UtrackerqUissueqUitemqU uniquevalsqUgotqU__traceback_info__qUiUorderedqUhasitqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUfieldValuesRangeqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionq UfieldValuesRangeq!U func_defaultsq"(NNtq#U_moduleq$UTrackerMethodsq%u. +((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq tq U co_argcountq KubUidq U text_contentqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqU#(this is here for the site catalog)qU func_defaultsqNU _functionqUTracker_text_contentqU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. ,((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Urestrictq Uasissueq Uminimalq U intimatesqUmaximalqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU set_privacyqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU func_defaultsq(KtqU _functionq U set_privacyq!U_moduleq"UTrackerMethodsq#u. -((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqT

Service Contract Exhausted
      Please contact your tracker administrator for further info.

NOTE - You are using the Anonymous User account, which means you don't have a verified identity. Since the anonymous account is unregulated, the support staff cannot reliably identify who they're dealing with, so we will not be able to offer you the ability to post followups to your issue, or submit attachments with your request. To have these capabilities you must login.

Click here to login.

/addTrackerIssue" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
<!--#var meta_type-->   Issue Tracker

Submit a New Issue (details)
Subject: CHECKED> Confidential?
From: "> - Name:    Email:
(... anonymous can't post followups)


( Retain as personal default.)

qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q UsubmitIssueFormq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qU_View_PermissionqU_View_Permissionqsbu. .0((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UActivityReportsq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qU_View_PermissionqU_View_PermissionqsbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqT/ A prototype tracker activity report presentation. 1">
        <!--#var meta_type-->   Tracker Activity Reports
For: -
... plus: Identify trackers to be included in the report, relative to / (e.g. )


Per-Tracker Ticket Quotas
  This presents the current status of issues opened within the service period of the respective trackers. (See here for info about the different kids of service periods.)
/ +
Tracker Plan Active Resolved Other
Balance Allotted Period
Support-level plan, one of Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum for Dedicated trackers, or Open for Open trackers.
Number of requests currently in Pending or Accepted stage
Number of closed issues that count against a dedicated tracker's allotment of request tickets - those issue completed by the resolve supporter action.
Other Closed
Number of other closed issue, which wouldn't count against a request ticket allotment, ie those closed with the reject, defer, or divert actions.
Number of new tickets available within the allotment, deducting the number of active and resolved tickets. Not applicable to open trackers or dedicated trackers with unlimited ticket allotment.
The specified dates of service for a dedicated tracker, or the period from a year ago to today for an open one.

Per-Supporter Ticket Assignments
/ +
Supporter Platinum Gold Silver Bronze None Total
bgcolor="#eeeeee"> , , -
Each entry indicates the number of Accepted , Resolved , and (Other - rejected deferred or diverted) requests the supporter has chalked up across the subject trackers and within their respective periods of service. (See the Ticket Quotas table for the service periods).

Active Issues Maturity
  This presents the current ages of all incomplete issues across the collection subject trackers, and then within each tracker individually.
  < align="center"> - >
/ +

qU_varsq}qu. /((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q Ureloginq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqT Call this from other methods to force user reauthentication before redirecting back to the calling script. (This script leaves traces before raising "Unauthorized" so that it recognizes the return after the authentication, and avoids repeating. At that point the cookie used to recognize the return is removed, enabling the process for the next invocation.) (Interim - the raise value only shows when the user login fails.) Refresh this page to get the login prompt. qU_varsq}qu. 0 ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UsearchFormSimpleq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqT
Issues Search (details)
Title/Description (details)
value="" >
qU_varsq}qu. 1{((U OFS.ImageqUImageqtqNt.}q(UsizeqKUdataqUGIF89aPPP@@@@@!Made with GIMP!,*#diApibZQ8q<Liт(-;qU__name__qU ziconImageq Utitleq UU content_typeq Uapplication/octet-streamq U preconditionq UUwidthqU16qUheightqU16qu. 2((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq U__traceback_info__q Uphrasingq UrulesqUdestmodqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUsetTrackerRulesqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU func_defaultsq(NtqU _functionq UsetTrackerRulesq!U_moduleq"UTrackerMethodsq#u. (cExtensionClass ExtensionClass q(UTracker_ZPropertySheetsClassq(cZClasses.ZClass PersistentClass qcOFS.PropertySheets PropertySheets qcZClasses.ObjectManager ZObjectManagerPropertySheets qhcZClasses.ZClass ZClassSheets qcApp.PersistentExtra Persistent qtq}q (Uiconq UU _p_changedq KU__doc__q UTracker_ZPropertySheetsClassq U __module__qNU_p_oidqUqU _p_serialqU.,G5qutqt.N. 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Q+((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_varsq}qU__name__qUissueHistoryViewq Uglobalsq }q Urawq T5

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qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q U index_htmlq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. H4((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq Utrackerq Uissueq UitemqUattrSetqUattrNameqU statechangedqUverifiedqUnewqUoldqUiUaddedqUdefunctqUuserqU issubscriberqU subscribersqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUreconcileStateqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq ]q!UOwnerq"asU_permissionMapperq#cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q$NRq%}q&bUtitleq'UU _functionq(UreconcileStateq)U func_defaultsq*(Ntq+U_moduleq,UTrackerMethodsq-u. IY((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Ucontentq Uitq U co_argcountq KubUidqU text_contentqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUelement_text_contentqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. J.((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UissueSearchIssuesq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqU> qU_varsq}qu. K((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qo}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Uissueq Utrackerq Uitemq Ugotq U localrolesqUwhoqUrolesqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqU issueOwnersqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU _functionqU issueOwnersq U func_defaultsq!NU_moduleq"UTrackerMethodsq#u. L((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqT@ Handy presentation of the current issue id - including link to current tracker Tracker. Issue qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q U issueBannerq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. M((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UissueStatusRowsq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqT issueStatusRows From: , Supporter1">s: Not assigned Stage: => , "> Priority: CHECKED > > Issue Refs: Subscribers: 10"> (+ more) Private: Yes No Item Private: Correspondence: "> qU_varsq}qu. N((U OFS.ImageqUImageqtqNt.}q(UsizeqKUdataqUGIF89aPPP@@@@@!Made with GIMP!,G £ iOz2pVH%O'|S5d5:NZf9;qU__name__qU ziconImageq Utitleq UU content_typeq U image/gifq U preconditionq UUwidthqU16qUheightqU16qu. O((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}q bU__name__q U setIssueStateq Uglobalsq }q UrawqT ?manage_tabs_message= XXX We don't currently participate right in site findability! The following old call isn't right, but holds the place for when we get the right thing. !--#call "propertysheets.Findables.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)" qU_varsq}qu. PC((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UissueSummaryRowsq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqTQ This is the place to set the standard format for an issue summary row, and the thing to use to generate them. If 'doheader' is set, only the header is shown, otherwise only the body is shown. Convenience for displaying an issue synopsis as a bunch of columns. It expects the current issue to be bound to 'element', and binding 'summary_header_only' around a call here will emit a table header of the field names, instead of the values. ID
# Title
Description Request Last
Msg Stage Priority Traits bgcolor="eeeeee"
XXX instead, eg: date.strftime("%b %e %I:%M %P")) BUT, %b, ..., get caught by dtml processing!
XXX See other XXX, above.

- ,
bgcolor="eeeeee" >   54> Diverted to to "> - References: bgcolor="eeeeee" > / >  
qU_varsq}qu. R((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqU' qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q UissueCurrentIssuesq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. S.((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UissueSubmitNewIssueq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqU< qU_varsq}qu. T((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq Uelementq Utrackerq UissueqUitemqUpathqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUrecatalogElementqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUrecatalogElementqU func_defaultsq(NtqU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsq u. U((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qU HelpIssuesqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qUrawqUN qU_varsq}qu. Vd((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq Utrackerq Uissueq UitemqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUreattrsqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUreattrsqU func_defaultsq(NtqU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. WL(cExtensionClass ExtensionClass q(U!TrackerIssue_ZPropertySheetsClassq(cZClasses.ZClass PersistentClass qcOFS.PropertySheets PropertySheets qcZClasses.ZClass ZClassSheets qhcApp.PersistentExtra Persistent qtq}q(Uiconq UU _p_changedq KU__doc__q U!TrackerIssue_ZPropertySheetsClassq U __module__q NU_p_oidqM utqtq.N. X(cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheetsSheet qNtq.}q(UBasicq(U oq(UZClasses.PropertyqU ZCommonSheetqttqQU_objectsq (}q (U meta_typeq UCommon Instance Property Sheetq Uidq UBasicqutqu. Y((UZClasses.MethodqUZClassMethodsSheetqtqNt.}q(U_mdq}qUidqUmethodsqU_objectsq (}q (U meta_typeq U DTML Methodq Uidq U index_html qu}q(U meta_typeqU DTML MethodqUidqUissueHistoryView qu}q(U meta_typeqU DTML MethodqUidqUeditStateYikes qu}q(hhhUsetIssueState qu}q(hUExternal MethodqhUreconcileState qu}q(U meta_typeqUExternal Methodq Uidq!U addIssueItem q"u}q#(U meta_typeq$U DTML Methodq%Uidq&UissueCurrentIssues q'u}q((U meta_typeq)U DTML Methodq*Uidq+U issueBanner q,u}q-(U meta_typeq.U DTML Methodq/Uidq0UissueSubmitNewIssue q1u}q2(h.h/h0UissueStatusRows q3u}q4(h.UExternal Methodq5h0U issueOwners q6u}q7(U meta_typeq8U DTML Methodq9Uidq:UissueSummaryRows q;u}q<(U meta_typeq=U DTML Methodq>Uidq?UissueSearchIssues q@u}qA(U meta_typeqBUExternal MethodqCUidqDUrecatalogElement qEu}qF(U meta_typeqGUExternal MethodqHUidqIUreattrs qJu}qK(U meta_typeqLUExternal MethodqMUidqNU text_content qOu}qP(U meta_typeqQU DTML MethodqRUidqSU HelpIssues qTutu. Z(cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU ConfigurationqU_baseq(U |q (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq tq tq Qu. [,M((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UitemFormq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqTc+ Tracker item itemForm
/addIssueItem" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="post"> ">
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qU_varsq}qu. \((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqU' qU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qU__name__qUitemIssuesIndexViewqU_varsq}qu. ](U Multi-perspective home page for items. When visited without arguments, it shows the current-item details and a form for followup in the thread, and also a link to a form for starting a new thread in the issue. That "starting a new thread" form is actually the same index_html, but it doesn't show the section with the details of the current item, or any other signs that there *is* a current item.
=> This issue has been diverted to ">
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qU_varsq}qu. `((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqU1U_varsq}qUglobalsq }q U__name__q UIMATRACKERITEMq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. a((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qU HelpItemsqU__ac_local_roles__q}q Uklmq ]q UOwnerq asUglobalsq }qUrawqUK qU_varsq}qu. b((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqU; qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q U itemIssueViewq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. cY((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq Ucontentq Uitq U co_argcountq KubUidqU text_contentqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUelement_text_contentqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUTrackerMethodsqu. h,((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UitemSearchIssuesq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqU= qU_varsq}qu. en((U OFS.ImageqUImageqtqNt.}q(UsizeqKUdataqUGIF89aPPP@@@@@!Made with GIMP!,,#di>Ap¨+e;MϤd#c- Handy presentation of the current item identifier - including links to current tracker and issue Tracker. Issue Item qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q U itemBannerq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. g((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq UREQUESTq U requesterq Umsgroleq UprivacyqU directionqUissueqUrequestqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUspecialItemKnobsqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerqasU_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbUtitleqUU func_defaultsq (Ntq!U _functionq"UspecialItemKnobsq#U_moduleq$UTrackerMethodsq%u. ^((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUUrawqT Enumerate all the attachments for the item, with icon/link format. [<!--#var meta_type-->] , qU_varsq}q Uglobalsq }q U__name__q U attachmentsq U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM qNRq}qbu. i ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UitemSummaryRowsq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqT This is the place to set the standard format for an item summary row, and the thing to use to generate them. Convenience for displaying an item synopsis as a bunch of columns. It expects the current item to be bound to 'element', and binding 'summary_header_only' around a call here will emit a table header of the field names, instead of the values. ID Title /
Description ( / Incidentals ) Date Action From Re Replies
qU_varsq}qu. d-((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(U__ac_local_roles__q}qUklmq]qUOwnerq asU__name__q UitemSubmitNewIssueq U_permissionMapperq cAccessControl.PermissionMapping PM q NRq}qbUtitleqUUglobalsq}qUrawqU< qU_varsq}qu. j\(cExtensionClass ExtensionClass q(U TrackerItem_ZPropertySheetsClassq(cZClasses.ZClass PersistentClass qcZClasses.ObjectManager ZObjectManagerPropertySheets qcZClasses.ZClass ZClassSheets qhcApp.PersistentExtra Persistent qtq}q(Uiconq UU _p_changedq KU__doc__q U TrackerItem_ZPropertySheetsClassq U __module__q NU_p_oidqMutqtq.N. k(cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheetsSheet qNtq.}q(U Configurationq(U |q(UZClasses.PropertyqU ZCommonSheetqttqQU_objectsq (}q (U meta_typeq UCommon Instance Property Sheetq Uidq U Configurationqutqu. l((UZClasses.MethodqUZClassMethodsSheetqtqNt.}q(U_mdq}qU_objectsq(}q(U meta_typeq U DTML Methodq Uidq U attachments q u}q (h h h U index_html qu}q(h h h UitemIssueView qu}q(U meta_typeqU DTML MethodqUidqUIMATRACKERITEM qu}q(hhhU itemBanner qu}q(U meta_typeqU DTML MethodqUidqU itemForm qu}q(U meta_typeqUExternal MethodqUidq UspecialItemKnobs q!u}q"(U meta_typeq#U DTML Methodq$Uidq%UitemSubmitNewIssue q&u}q'(U meta_typeq(U DTML Methodq)Uidq*UitemSummaryRows q+u}q,(U meta_typeq-U DTML Methodq.Uidq/UitemSearchIssues q0u}q1(U meta_typeq2U DTML Methodq3Uidq4UitemIssuesIndexView q5u}q6(U meta_typeq7UExternal Methodq8Uidq9U text_content q:u}q;(U meta_typeqU HelpItems q?uth Umethodsq@u. m&(cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU FindablesqU_baseq(U pq (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq ttq QU'_Access_contents_information_Permissionq U'_Access_contents_information_PermissionqU_Manage_properties_PermissionqU_Manage_properties_Permissionqu. n(cZClasses.Property ZInstanceSheet qNtq.}q(U_mdq}qUidqU ParticipantsqU_baseq(U qq (UZClasses.Propertyq U ZCommonSheetq ttq Qu. o((UZClasses.PropertyqU ZCommonSheetqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_mdq}qUidqUBasicq U _propertiesq (}q (Umetaq }q hUprivateqUtypeqUbooleanqu}q(Umetaq}qUidqUtypeqUtypeqUstringqu}q(Umetaq}qUidqUalt_full_namesqUtypeqUstringqu}q(h}q hU alt_emailsq!hUstringq"u}q#(Umetaq$}q%Uidq&Uopen_subscribeq'Utypeq(Ubooleanq)u}q*(Umetaq+}q,Uidq-Usubscribers_may_postq.Utypeq/Ubooleanq0utu. q(cZClasses.Property ZCommonSheet qNtq.}q(UtitleqUU_mdq}qUidqU ParticipantsqU _propertiesq (}q (Umetaq }q hU requesterq UtypeqUstringqutqu. p0(cZClasses.Property ZCommonSheet qNtq.}q(UtitleqUU_mdq}qUidqU FindablesqU _propertiesq (}q (Umetaq }q Uidq UtitleqUtypeqUstringqu}q(h }qh UsubjectqhUlinesqu}q(h }qh U descriptionqhUtextqu}q(h }qh UdateqhUdatequ}q(Umetaq}qUidq Ureviewedq!Utypeq"Uintq#utq$u. r(U ?qQNtq.}q. s(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U }q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. t(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U ~q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. u(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. v(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. w}(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqtq Qs. x(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. y(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. z(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. {(cZClasses.Method W qNtq.}qU$_ZClassMethodPermissionMapperMethod_q(U q(U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqtq Qs. |((UZClasses.PropertyqU ZCommonSheetqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUU_mdq}qUidqU Configurationq U _propertiesq (}q (Umetaq }q hUprivateqUtypeqUbooleanqu}q(h }qhUfromqhUstringqu}q(h }qhU alt_emailqhUstringqu}q(h }qhU in_reply_toqhUstringqu}q(h }qhUrepliesqhUlinesq u}q!(Umetaq"}q#Uidq$Utypeq%Utypeq&Ustringq'u}q((Umetaq)}q*Uidq+U referencesq,Utypeq-Ulinesq.utu. }O(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Unumq Uattrq Utextq Untq U co_argcountqKubUidqUsummaryqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUsummaryqU func_defaultsq(KtqU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. ~:(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq tq U co_argcountq KubUidq U index_objectq U__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqU index_objectqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. (cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Uftypeq Ufhostq Uurlq Utypeq UuriqUhostqU script_nameqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUurlqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUurlqU func_defaultsq(curllib splittype qcurllib splithost qtq U_moduleq!UZopeSiteq"u. j(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Uitemq U containerq Uobjectq Ustq U co_argcountqKubUidqUmanage_beforeDeleteqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUmanage_beforeDeleteqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. G(cOFS.DTMLMethod DTMLMethod qNtq.}q(UtitleqUU__name__qUwaaaqUglobalsq}qUrawq U

This is the Document in the Folder.

q U_varsq }q u. b(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Uitemq U containerq Uobjectq Ustq U co_argcountqKubUidqUmanage_afterAddqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUmanage_afterAddqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. >(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq tq U co_argcountq KubUidq Uunindex_objectq U__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU func_defaultsqNU _functionqUunindex_objectqU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. Y(cProducts.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod ExternalMethod qNtq.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq(Uselfq Uitemq Uobjectq Ustq U co_argcountq KubUidqUmanage_afterCloneqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUmanage_afterCloneqU func_defaultsqNU_moduleqUZopeSitequ. b((U&Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethodqUExternalMethodqtqNt.}q(U func_codeq(cApp.Extensions FuncCode qoq}q(U co_varnamesq (Uselfq U first_onlyq Uusersq Uuserq UrolesqtqU co_argcountqKubUidqUcreatorqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUbrianq]qUOwnerqasUtitleqUU _functionqUcreatorqU func_defaultsq(KtqU_moduleqUZopeSitequ.