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Installing OpenPT and OpenPTi18n

If you do not want to use i18n, just ignore all instructions dealing with the OpenPTi18n package and file.

Normal install

  1. Download and unpack all files except the "quick" one
  2. Put the "pax" and "OpenTAL" packages in your python path.

    You can put them either in ${ZOPE_HOME}/lib/python or in your python installation under site_packages (or, actually, anywhere that is in your python path.)

    Both packages have standard distutils "" files; you can use these, if you wish.
  3. Put the OpenPT and OpenPTi18n packages in your zope's Products directory.
  4. (i18n) Get and install the PlacelessTranslationService product, or alternatively TranslationService (in this case, instead of step 5 below, follow the instructions in the TranslationService page).
  5. (i18n) Create a directory under your INSTANCE_HOME named i18n and put your .mo files there.

    If you plan to create them from scratch, please notice that we use a few non-standard metadata headers; for more info see the HOWTO
  6. Restart zope - if possible, in debug mode - and watch its standard output for ugly debugging messages that, I swear, will be moved to zLOG before 1.0 ;-)

Easier "quick" install

This method works only on Unix or systems that support symbolic links.

  1. Download the "quick" distribution. If you want i18n, download it separately (it's not included in the "quick" file), and one of the two translation service products mentioned above.
  2. Unpack the "quick" file in your ZOPE_HOME; it expects to find the lib directory
  3. Unpack OpenPTi18n and your translation service in your Products directory
  4. Proceed to step 5 of the normal installation