How to install PlacelessTranslationService without OpenPT
How to install PlacelessTranslationService without OpenPT
This Translation Service was originally written for use with OpenPT, my reimplementation of Page Templates. However, as of the 0.3 release, it can also be used with ZPT. To install it for ZPT, just unpack it in your Products folder; it expects to find message catalogs (.mo files) in $INSTANCE_HOME/i18n - detailed instructions are in the OpenPT pages, just ignore all the OpenPT-specific instructions.
You will, however, need the PAX package. Because of a quirk in the interpolation (foo ${var} bar) feature, the translation service sometimes needs to render something to XML/HTML, and I already had code to do that in PAX. You can get the latest PAX release in the OpenTAL site.