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Some examples of the date format used for those of us who don't read Python?

The file ../DateTime/ has an extensive Python comment that explains date/time formats in English.

(lstaffor 2000/05/31)

An example of a ZEvent that reschedules itself would be nice.

Define a ZClass (let's call it "Nag" just for example) that derives from ZEvent. Give it a method called "reschedule". The name must be "reschedule" so that it overrides the "reschedule" method of ZEvent. The new "reschedule" method might consist of something as simple as the following DTML statement:

 <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('ZEventTime', REQUEST.ZEventOldTime + 1.0/24)">

...which reschedules the event to execute one hour after it was last scheduled to execute. Then all Nags (instances of the Nag class) will do their thing hour after hour after hour....

(lstaffor 2000/05/31)