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V0.20413 - 2002-04-13

  • Added decoding of returned PHP-Headers. Now you can use Header("Content-Type: image/png") and Header("Location:") in your PHP-Scripts. Creating images with the GD-Image-functions should now work out of the box...;-).
  • Improved the construction of the QUERY_STRING. This should give better results for FastCGI-ZOPEs and mixed POST/GET-REQUESTs (used by some wired PHProgrammers). Thanks to Sandy Mantel!

V0.20409 - 2002-04-09

  • Fixed a bug so that a PHParser was not callable by other methods. Changed the points of calling the __phparser__ in the DTML to PHP to HTML to CACHE chain.
  • Now you can set the Path to your PHP-CGI-Interpreter with the PHPath-Variable, if ZOPE can't find it through the environment (mainly needed for Windows).

V0.20316 - 2002-03-16

  • First public release of PHParser