Issue Dealer 0.9.57 released
Issue Dealer is a issue management tool featuring a weblog publisher (client), weblog (server), WebDAV client, WYSIWYG editing of HTML and Images and more.
Changes since the last announcement:
0.9.57: - Fixed bug where the save link menus raised a TypeError - Fixed bug where collapsing an issue expanded by level would raise an ValueError - Fixed bug where using previous, next and batch links would break the navigation links - Added batches to browse view - Fixed bug where issue location wouldn't be displayed in the browse view - Fixed bug where expanding the issue tree by level would't work below the issue dealer 0.9.56: - Fixed minor bugs related to the new batching algorhitms - Added expand/collapse level controls on tree view - Now removing session-based items from menu for anonymous users 0.9.55: - Removed support for CMF (see readme files for more info) - Upgraded HTML editing area
If you're interested in trying a demo, sign up at the demo site. To see the Issue Dealer Weblog Server in action, have a look at The Blogologue. :)
Nidelven IT and others use the product to manage their knowledge and action items, it's a great tool to keep track issues in different departments for example. Try it! ;)