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Media File System 1.0 released

Media File System

Media File System is a simple product that provides a Zope interface to a HTTP media streaming folder. It's based on (and requires) the LocalFS product.

The product currently supports .ra, .rm and .mp3 files; whenever a new file is created, the original file is hidden from the management interface, and a player file is created and shown instead.

To use this product, add a new Media FS instance, where you *must* specify id, base path and URL. Base path is the location of the HTTP streaming folder on the filesystem (for example /var/www/ URL is the base URL for accessing the folder via HTTP, (for example

A .ram or .m3u file is created whenever you add a .ra, .rm or .mp3 file, and the .ram or .m3u file points to the actual media file on the HTTP server.

Streaming media this way does not offer any sort of protection, it's simply a way to tell the browser to start a player capable of streaming data off a HTTP server instead of having the browser download the file and then play it.