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Recent articles about Zope/CPS3 in the french trade press

Several articles have been published recently in the french trade press about Zope and Nuxeo CPS.

Nuxeo accroît sa charge de travail (Décision Micro / 01net, 2004/04/12) is a presentation of the new features in CPS 3.0: with the introduction of independent publication spaces and workflows, Nuxeo targets large-scale deployments.

In Bâtir un intranet : le libre s'impose (Décision Micro / 01net, 2004/04/05), you can read: after the not-for-profit world, more and more corporations are adopting content sharing and group work tools like SPIP, PHP-Nuke, PHP-Groupware or Nuxeo CPS (based on Zope).

Le ministère de l'Intérieur passe aux logiciels libres pour gérer son courrier (ZDNet, 2004/05/18) is about the use of CourierCPS by the French Ministry of Interior for its mail management duties. According to François Verdot from the Ministry, by the end of the project, 90000 civil servants will use the Zope/CPS-based intranet. He also declared that all the modules developped for the project will be given back to the (Zope) community and published over the Internet.