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2002-02-15 Gary Poster 0.3.0 replaced all subclassing of my Fakers product with subclassing Stephan Richter's OrderedFolder; requires OrderedFolder 0.4+ because of a bug in 0.3. Submitted a change to OrderedFolder to add my OrderedFakeFolder multi-move functionality to Stephan, so that may be coming from him sometime soon. This change allows you to create your own Host implementations and HostOverride implementations to work within the VirtualHostFolder, just by declaring that your product implements the appropriate interface. changed the interfaces for the host and host override objects a bit (no, I won't do this once I announce I'm out of beta) so that the testing functions (testHost, testOverride) could pass their work on to the activate functions (activateHost, activateOverride) more efficiently, but also so that the testing functions could be called independently of the activate functions if desired added a Redirect object that can also reside in the Host objects along with the Aliases. made the interfaces more honest descriptions of my implementation: eliminating hidden dependencies and checking for interfaces before performing specialized actions on the objects debugging, particularly of Alias: see README for zpt/cmf concern

2002-01-01 Gary Poster 0.2.0: A major, major revision, incorporating several incremental developmental stages. 0.2.0 is probably less stable and more buggy than 0.1.1. Design-wise, however, this is much nearer to final release. Added the ability to have aliases by host, with very full-featured set-up options. better-thought-out breadcrumbs-friendly API to VHF; still needs some work Added an Evaluate tab (and changed the install routine) so that you can install the VHF while VHM is already in use (IMEME-IMPROVED VERSION OF VHM ONLY!! the evaluate tab will actually still work just fine with the older version, but your Apache set-up will be different). In this situation, the VHF is off on installation. You can then use the Evaluate tab to switch back and forth between the VHF and the iMeme- improved VHM safely (in my own testing, at least). Testing tab now allows full URLs, including paths, so you can see how the path will be changed on traversal (including aliases), and also see (some of) what the new breadcrumbs-friendly API will spit back at you. Settled down on thorough system of component interfaces for all pertinent classes (in both the Fakers and the VHF modules) Did security and packaging in a more standard way Factored out the lightweight fake folder functionality used by the VHF into a Fakers product * Tree tag support for FakeFolders means that sub-elements of the VHF are accessible through the tree on the left side of the management interface.

2001-12-01 Gary Poster 0.1.1 Corrected three acquisition handling bugs that made it impossible to use an id in the VHF of something in the root folder Apparently the help file bug I mentioned is only on my win2K laptop version of Zope--all is fine in FreeBSD Changed many of the help files to correct a few formatting issues and give more useful regex examples added in the messaging system used in the Virtual Host to the addHost and renameHost section of the Virtual Host Folder still no explicit class interfaces. The way I went about my class structure--a division of nuts and bolts functions, intended to be used by other objects, from management functions, that wrap the nuts and bolts just for the ZMI and are not intended for use by other objects-- seems a bit unusual compared to the other products I see. Most other classes seem to intend the management functions ("manage_*") for both ZMI and basic class interface purposes. I'll do the interface when I decide what I want to do about this disparity, if anything.

2001-11-29 Gary Poster

  • First Beta (DO NOT RELY ON CLASS INTERFACES YET) Seems to work. Uh, "Release early and often" * Note that the VHF_Configure.stx help file refuses to register. Not sure why. Help?