Change file
Changes to zasync through 1.1
version 1.1.0 (tag zasync-1_1_0)
(note that there is a spurious zasync_1_1_0 tag as well)
- Add Windows files and rc files from Arno Gross into bin directory.
- Put more information on diagnostic call analysis page, thanks to Arno Gross.
- Make zasync work in 2.7 and 2.8. Note that making it run in 2.7 now requires
an extra argument to run: see the example files in the bin directory.
Briefly, here are two example calls, from one of my test installations:
For 2.7:
~/zope2/bin/python -c "import zasync;
, 2.7)"For 2.8:
~/zope2/bin/python -c "import zasync;
)" - Add some example text about the zope_exec plugin in plugins.txt.
version 1.0.7 (tag zasync-1_0_7)
- Some small changes (like using get_transaction().begin()) driven more by superstition and risk reduction than anything else.
- Make manager include lines that make Python datetime objects acceptable to use in restricted python. This should make it easier for a simple install.
- Fix edge-case bug: if you have a call manager with new calls that have expired, the client would not be working with wrapped deferred objects so aq_... attributes would be missing and the new call wouldn't be tossed, and new (non-expired) calls wouldn't be processed.
version 1.0.6 (tag zasync-1_0_6)
- More fixes for the code path of handling error-raising reprs (grr).
version 1.0.5 (tag zasync-1_0_5)
- cleanFailure using customized code because __repr__ can fail in Zope. :-/
- Fix nasty small bug in that could make zasync effectively into a zombie process. :-(
version 1.0.4 (tag zasync-1_0_4)
- Add in ability to pass in form variables to request.
- Fix bug in rendering error message in client config.
version 1.0.3 (tag zasync-1_0_3)
- fix retry code in client to call makeCall correctly
version 1.0.2 (tag zasync-1_0_2)
- Try for more and earlier transaction aborts.
- Reinstate lost diagnostic call analysis page.
version 1.0.1 (tag zasync-1_0_1)
- Added new diagnostic call analysis page for the ZMI call manager. Unfortunately it was not exposed in this release. :-/
- Attempt to improve the README file to give people more of a chance to get this set up and going.
- A clean up of the two example configuration scripts to remove references to Zope 3, which really probably just confused matters.
- Manager needs to fix up local roles to get the owner info in.
version 1.0 (tag zasync-1_0)
- Add an overview tab that includes information on the plugins and allows you to ping the zasync client to see if it is active.
- Make the verbose traceback optional, defaulting to False. Incorporate the new verbose traceback option in logging output
- Make the normal Zope event log work.
- Go ahead and include temporary storage in schema and example zasync.conf so DBTab doesn't complain.
- Add new "aggregate" plugin.
- Include exception info in Conflict Error logs.
- Make a returned failure in a zope exec callback abort the transaction.
- Bug fixes in plugins, especially zope_exec
- fix bug: if tool disappeared, then zasync was unable to recover because of a number of problems. Most importantly, it was holding on to connections without closing them. Fixed this bug and similar problems elsewhere.
- More paranoid about starting up now, and more paranoid about telling the manager about the available plugins when the tool has been re-found.
- tweak backoff interval for assigning tasks; add backoff interval to calling zope_exec start_worker so that existing threads have a better chance to grab new jobs before we create an unnecessary new thread.
- Add sanitize method so that calls to (and from zope_exec) do not have persistent objects.
- Remove an opportunity for Conflict Error in the client.
- Don't raise an error when a deferred is called twice--this will abort the transaction, which means that the deferred will never be resolved if it was supposed to be. Therefore, return a failure and log the problem.
- Add a
to the context dict for the callbacks because some code wants it.
version 0.2
- Significantly rewritten to solve the problems of 0.1.
- don't keep persistent objects around
- try to handle exceptions better
- close the connection after every transaction
- remove all CMF dependencies of the call manager
- Use a ZConfig-based configuration for zasync
- better Zope initialization
- configuration-driven plugin registration
- saner startup
- not reliant on zopectl run (intended to be in preparation for using twistd)
- sh start script
- try to remove plugins from the manager's plugin list upon zasync shutdown
version 0.1
Initial version. Not released. ZVSL.